Well, I've been distracted for a while but I thought it was about time to stop on in and say how Cheez-it was doing. He is just around 6 months old now and weighs around 17 lbs. (correction: I just weighed him and he is 19lbs.) He still seems rather small for his age, or mabye some of you guys have giant monster-corgi's. He just really isnt intrested in food too much, he mabye eats a cup daily and every other day a cup and a half (I feed him blue buffalo lamb for pups).

He's becomming a very headstrong little guy, his favorite spot is the couch and he KNOWS that he isnt allowed up there. He will only get on it when he is extremely excited (or frapping) or when I leave the room. It's funny, if I leave and come back I wont "see" him on it, but I will see the little wet spot from where he was up there and licked the fabric. Smart one he is.

I took him to the emergency vet last month because he chewed a nasty lasceration into his back leg. They gave him an antibiotic and a steroid for allergy and asked that I start giving him flea prevention twice a month instead of monthly. My home is flea-less, but there is little I can do because I take him to alot of places and fleas just love him. They bite him and die, but he is allergic to the bites :(. If he starts the chewing thing again then I think I am going to have to take him monthly to get a steroid shot. Anyone else have to do this?

He is well socialized, but he still pulls me on the leash, we're working on that heel thing, but he just doesnt agree yet. He also has become a little more vocal, but only for a reason. He barks at some people occasionally, but only certain people. If it is really quiet outside he barks at noises (especially loud motorcycles) and birds/bugs making a racket in the morning makes him crazy. I have just been ignoring him when he barks for no reason like that, just incase it's attention seeking.

He is sort-of getting along with my little ferret. He does chase him around and try to pin him to the ground, which I am not too fond of. Something else we're working on I guess.

For all the places he has been, and people/pets he has seen, he still seems very dependant on me and un-nerving around strangers and other dogs. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong there, or mabye he just prefers not to play with other dogs? At the dog park he usually just watches and rarely joins in, but at least he's comfortable and not scared.

He is fully house-trained now, I would say in the course of his life so far, he has used the bathroom inside 15 times. There have been no accidents for months, except he did drink too much salt-water while attacking beach-waves once and threw up all over the floor. He has never made that mistake again though :)

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Comment by James on September 12, 2008 at 12:49am
I'll hug him for you (but he won't like it:)) I'm taking a trip out of the state and dropping the little mutt (and weasel) off at my parents house. There should be a good story when I get back. Intrested to see how he does in a house of other dogs.
Comment by Cindi on September 12, 2008 at 12:28am
Just the other day CorgiMom and I were talking about the Big Cheez! We were lamenting on how we hadn't seen a good Cheez-It story in a bit. Glad to hear you are doing well. Hugs to the Cheez-Man!
Comment by James on September 11, 2008 at 11:54pm
You know, he still havent humped anything. Occasionally he gets a little provoked and I just ignore him. I'm getting him fixed at 8mo. How is Bexar with allergies?
Comment by Joshua on September 11, 2008 at 11:49pm
Funny, just today I was thinking of sending you a message to see how Bexar's brother is doing. Bexar is very headstrong,too, but I think Corgis tend to be! And he's a little guy, too - only 15lbs... and he even loves to eat. How are Cheeze-it's hormones? Bexar got neutered 2 weeks ago because he was absolutely insane and began humping (fortunately he stopped after the neutering).

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