The 2008 Calender is finally here! Thank you for all your photo contributions and participation in the voting. It was not an easy task to pick from 130+ entrees down to 50 semi-finalist. With the help of our members, we were able to pick the final 12. To see the 12 finalists, or to purchase a copy of the calendar, click here. To see the inside pages, click on the link "View Calendar Pages".

We sincerely thank all the members for their support and the love for This project wouldn't exist without all of your help.

Please keep taking lovely pictures of your beloved best friend. We will be having a super secret project coming in June. So, keep shooting!

Happly Holidays to all!


Silvia & Sam

Views: 55


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Comment by Marylynn on December 14, 2007 at 9:22am
Absolutely gorgeous! It's definitely the best corgi calendar that I've seen - all of the dogs are adorable and the pictures themselves are fabulous. Thank you so much for all of your hard work!

P.S. - We're so excited to see Bingley for July - just don't tell Lizzy! =)
Comment by Megan on December 14, 2007 at 8:45am
It looks so great, Silvia and Sam!! Dally is thrilled to be little Miss April!! I've already ordered two copies for Christmas presents...might have to order more. I love the cover models as well.
Comment by Jeremiah and Rhys "Mr. May" on December 13, 2007 at 11:11pm
It looks great! It must have been hard to choose with soooooo many cute photos submitted.

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