We started the day by having another successful night. No messes for me to clean up. And it seems like only yesterday that Madog couldn't make it though the night. They grow up so fast.

After I got my act together (quickly as I don't want to push my luck) we head out the door into that long dark night. Madog does his business and then we are off for our walkies. The walk is uneventful. We enjoy looking at the houses (we are in a historic district so we have plenty to look at as we walk) towards the end of the walk we have to go past my friend's house. He has a superior short-haired tabby and white tomcat named Blood Fang.

My old GSD Grunt and Blood Fang were great friends so the cat is always waiting at the end of the walk waiting for me as we walk by. But now we have Madog and Blood Fang... and they are working on their relationship. It is slow going as Madog desperately wants to play with him and is really enthusiastic about it. But we have a pretty good session this morning before Blood Fang calls it quits and takes off.

We continue up the street and I can see another enormous tabby (I am assuming it is a she and she is pregnant) who I had never seen before head in our direction. I suspected the cat can't see the dog because the kids that live in the house we are in front of have not embraced the lawnmower yet so her view is blocked.

She comes down the walk and around the corner of the Serengeti that is the lawn and calmly walks straight up to Madog and goes nose to nose with him. I don't know who was more surprised me or Madog. Madog just stood there quietly as she gave him the once over then did a bit of rubbing and finally headed back to her house. I couldn't believe it.

Poor Madog is so confused by cats. The feral cats in our hood are many (I was told they keep the rat population down - took me a bit to absorb that statement) but I don't want them in our yard. So I don't mind a little vermin aggression at home on the other hand I want him to like the cats that aren't in our yard. Not sure how we are going to get this to work.

But we will be heading back to see that cat.

UPDATE: Did I say that cat was enormous? Well that is a bit of an understatement. Titanic would be a better description. The cat has taken up residence at Blood Fang's house much to Blood Fang's chagrin. I went over there to pick up Blood Fang's daddy so we could go shopping at PetSmart and the cat was there. It is even bigger than I remembered and bigger than my sister's cat Mary Shelly's Frankenstein out of Yo-Yo-Ma by Dammit, Get The Hell Out Of My Yard (Shelly for short) who is even bigger than his name. I have got to get a picture of this cat. It is probably digesting a Chihuahua right now and that is why it is so fat.

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Comment by momto3ltlgrlz on September 21, 2008 at 1:07pm
Madog is such a tolerant puppy. Lily chases the cat that antagonized her while she was in the kennel. Hopefully the new tabby is able to become a friend so Madog does not assume that his friend is like her. I really need to walk Lily more out of the yard. She might find that she likes cats LOL
Comment by Alla on September 21, 2008 at 9:56am
it's good that the cat didn't start the fight. Our cat still has not adjusted to the dog's presence. When we play a retrieve game with him, she usually hides behind the corner, and when he runs to get the ball, she jumps out and tries to get the ball!
Comment by Cindi on September 21, 2008 at 9:27am
Good for Madog! Made new friend. lol. Wait til Madog figures out his job is to herd that cat. It's going to be funny.

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