We are really trying with Emmy, following the trainer's instructions. Sage and her shredded the training leash, so much for having it on whenever she is out of the cage. Okay, so we deal with that by using the training collar and looking her in the eye when she is misbehaving.......

Explain this: Not only did she escape from the training collar (the metal looped one), but SOMEHOW she got it to unloop!!! Now, anyone who has had one of these collars knows that it just doesn't happen like that! We can't put it back on because it doesn't go back together. How did she do it???? I spoke with the trainer this morning and he said he's never heard of a puppy doing that! He's trying to get us in for more training today but they are booked solid, so I am still waiting on a callback.

This puppy is waaaaay to smart for her own good!

The only good thing we've experienced in the past few weeks is having the Kong toys to keep both of them busy and quite for a bit. I looooove those things!!

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Comment by Lisa P from WV on June 19, 2008 at 12:14am
I love your pics with the Halloween costume! I can't wait until this year to dress Daisy up!!! They are my all time favorite pictures on here! Do you clip your corgis coat? I looks to neat and groomed by the pics! Lisa P from WV
Comment by Sam on January 13, 2008 at 10:31am
I suspect your other pup was the one that got the collar off. If I may I should like to tell you that training collars (chains) should only be on a dog when they are being directly supervised. Problem is that they can get caught on things or between two dogs playing. I know of dogs dying from this happening. May I also add that dragging a lead is supposed to be a supervised experience. Surely another puppy would find that a great toy and love chasing it. These are good things to do but they must be supervised.
Comment by Cindi on January 13, 2008 at 8:22am
Kongs are awesome. Try putting a tsp. of natural p-nut butter, baby carrots, or small pieces of apple inside. Keeps pups busy for a good bit!

What kind of "training collar" are you using? A choke? I can't understand why a trainer would use that on a pup. Hmmm...

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