So in addition to Gonzo, I have a cat named Shadow. Okay, so she lives with my parents 3,000 miles away, but if she wasn't so old I would have taken her with me when I moved. She is still my cat, my parents were just taking care of her.

She is 20 years old and has been on medication for a hyperactive thyroid for a couple of years. Other than that, the vet says she is quite healthy and all the other blood work that comes back looks like it belongs to a 10 year old cat.

But she hasn't been taking care of herself for a long time now, so her coat looks very nasty and she's been howling a lot, especially after she eats. My mom said that Shadow's prescription ran out, and instead of spending another $100+ on blood work and pills, they have decided to have her euthanized - tomorrow.

I gave them permission over a year ago to do this because I didn't want her suffering. It seems like she is getting to that point, and she is very old. I just didn't think it would be this hard for me. I've had her since I was 4 years old! I knew it was coming, Mom even told me two days ago that she was going to call the vet to make the appointment. But it wasn't until this evening, when she told me the appointment was made, that I cried.

So sad to see a pet go :o( I wish they could live longer.

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Comment by Kristen on February 5, 2008 at 7:20pm
Nicole, I'm am so sorry for your loss. It is amazing how these little creatures wrap themselves around our hearts and become part of us. They provide us unconditional love and devotion asking for very little in return. Feel comforted that your parents are doing the right thing. What an amazing thing to have lived such a long life and how fortunate you were to have shared it! Take care--Kristen
Comment by Sally & Ken on February 5, 2008 at 10:34am
A few years ago one of my cats had a stroke about 11 PM. She was yowling in fear and probably pain and I didn't realize there were 24 hour vets. I couldn't let her suffer until the Vet opened, so I took her out back and did what I had to.
I hope I never have to do that again without social support, as it would be at a Vet's office, even if you held them while they died.
Just believe that you have done the best you can by a loyal and loving friend and done it with love in your heart and a prayer for their peace and a better place.
Comment by Charlie on February 5, 2008 at 10:11am
I'm so sorry Nicole. It is painful to lose a friend who has been with you almost your whole life. At twenty years, your cat has had an extraordinary life in a great loving home. She's had the best of lives.
Comment by Carol Braitman on February 5, 2008 at 9:55am
I had to put my 19 yo Siamese to sleep a few years ago. It was such a hard decision, but truthfully, he hated taking the medication, and his teeth were very bad. I kept hoping he would just go to sleep, and not wake up..We are so fortunate we can make these decisions for our pets, to not prolong their suffering. But, I still know how hard it is,,Take care..
Comment by Amanda on February 5, 2008 at 9:14am
I'm so sorry about your cat. I really do believe God gives our pets back when we get to heaven. At least the ones we want back. lol! Your cat lived a looooong and loved life. You couldn't ask for more than that. It was very merciful to have him put down instead of just to suffer during his last days. You did the right thing!

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