Why do names for dogs have to be so difficult?!?! Especially corgis!?!?

We're getting another corgi in April, and we can't choose a name.

*a boy
*a pembroke
*and a tri-color

What are some good names???

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Comment by Zed on March 10, 2008 at 12:24am
I second Maggie's suggestion of looking at human baby names. If nothing else it will let you know what you do not want to name your puppy. I might also be helpful to wait until he is home, as George said before. Good Luck! Have fun with your new little Tri.
Comment by Kristen on March 9, 2008 at 9:01pm
I found MyCorgi when I did a web search for Corgi names. I like English and Irish names. Brodie is actually Scottish, but it seemed to fit. He is a little tri. I also liked Onslow, Guinness, Murphy and Monty. My first Corgi was named Basil so I have a real soft spot in my heart. for that one. What goes well with Ruby? Riley and Ruby. Remmy and Ruby? Nigel? Maybe my choices are a little off, but I tend to go for names that aren't too common. Good luck. We hade a list of names and then made the final decision when we brought little Brodie home. Good luck to you! Fun to bring a new one home!
Comment by Maggie and Me on March 9, 2008 at 7:47pm
there are pages online that have (human) baby names...look through them...it's a good way to brainstorm.
just google "baby names"
Comment by George V on March 9, 2008 at 7:26pm
We always wait until after they are home, a name always comes that fits their personalities. Ours always begin with either Lady or Princess for the girls.
Comment by Sam Tsang on March 9, 2008 at 6:19pm
for us, we picked ours from type of coffee blend, Mocha, which is chocolate coffee and Vienna, a turkish blend :) Good luck in picking our yours!
Comment by Rachael on March 9, 2008 at 6:19pm
I was going to name mine Pickle lol but I think its best to play with them for a few days and get to know them and then the name will come to you :)
Comment by Laurie on March 9, 2008 at 5:29pm
Three names come to mind: they are Georgie Porgi the Corgi, Frazier or Braveheart. I tried finding a welsh name for my corgi and I found that I couldn't pronounce most of them.

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