I was sent a new video of my pup at the breeder. His face is so dark, hard to imagine that he is even a Corgi. Cheez-it is the one she calls "James's puppy". I like the updates, thats a thoughtfull breeder. I hope he starts to lighten up so I can see what pattern he is going to have. He is supposed to be a red/white but I am thinking he is sabled.


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Comment by James on April 2, 2008 at 3:41pm
Yup, that is the breeder. Very nice lady, has been very patient with my questioning ect..
Comment by James on April 2, 2008 at 3:32pm
They are just 5 weeks old, next weekend I am taking a trip to visit them. Then 2 weeks after that he comes home! I like how he is pretty chill/calm, the other ones are flipping out.
Comment by Sam Tsang on April 2, 2008 at 3:32pm
Now i know Celeste is your breeder :) She was at the corgi picnic last year as well, last we talked she volunteered for this year's picnic, not sure if it's going to down in osteen or palm bay.
Comment by Charlie on April 2, 2008 at 3:26pm
He is cute, cute, cute! Looks like red and white to me too, and retaining some of the sabling on his ears and muzzle. How much longer now? Bet you can't wait! : - )
Comment by Kristen on April 2, 2008 at 2:08pm
James, he is a cute littel butterball. It is amazing how much the black fades out. I think he will have a little but of sable, with some black on his face, on his nose and a cute black outline on the ears. but he could very well be a bright red and white. Nice that the breeder posted the video! I'm excited for you!

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