I had to go to Pensacola last week, which is a 9 hour drive. I was staying a week, so I really wanted to take the dogs. They were wonderful travelers. They were very good visiting grandma, with only 2 pee pee accidents ( Mia 6 months ) and she broke a plant stand jumping up to see out the porch, and chewed a bit on grandma's slipper. All in all thou, they were very well behaved little grand dogs. 2 big scary things that happened to us while we were there... was Mia fell into my parents pool. She fell in the deep end and went under so was stunned when she surfaced, but swam to the edge where I scooped her up. She didn't get close to that edge again. And Dingo gave me a huge scare along I-95 on the way home. He was in his harness and we were at the rest stop for a potty break and Dingo was not finished sniffing every tree and blade of grass. I was kinda pulling him but watching Mimi, because she was running ahead. Anyway, he slipped out of his harness and off he went. Now, Dingo is the type of Corgi that loves me to chase him, so I knew if I ran after him, he'd run right out to 95. Luckily, there was a uniformed officer there and I think since Dingo recognized the uniform.( His human dad is a police officer). Anyway the officer scooped him up when he ran over to him. I love those two little trouble makers to death, but I tell them all the time, they are going to be the death of me.

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Comment by Eruc on April 8, 2008 at 12:03pm
Glad that everything went well. Think of it this way, You always know your cardiac system is in good shape if you are a Corgi person! XD
Comment by Cindi on April 8, 2008 at 3:17am
Sounds like an adventure! Glad Dingo's safe.
Comment by Sam Tsang on April 7, 2008 at 9:17pm
I'm glad to hear that they were okay. It's funny how Dingo recognized the uniform :)

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