And I'm a bit nervous. This coming Friday my corgi pup, Agro, is scheduled to be neutered. I'm a bit worried for the little guy simply because I don't want him to feel any pain. I know dogs get neutered all the time w/o any real complications. I mean, I might expect some suture rupture or infection but I know he'll ultimately be fine. I just hate having to anticipate and later deal with my corgi having to suffer. My partner and I debated whether his pain was ultimately worth him being neutered. Most everything I read online pointed to neutering being a very beneficial procedure for dogs as it provides less overall stress and dogs who are neutered overall tend to live longer than their non-neutered counter-parts. The only reason for not neuter your pet is you plan on breeding him, which we plan not to. So, we decided that if helps in lengthening Agros life span, we'll go ahead and get him neutered. I hope my dog forgives me for the "possible" future pain he'll have to endure in the days ahead. I write "possible" because some pet owners have recounted to me their experience with neutering their pets was no big thing. My sister for example told me her beagle was up and walking around the very next day. So I do hope for speedy, fast recovery. I'll be blogging during the weekend with updates on Agro.
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