Ever since our puppy was little she has never, never liked the vacuum cleaner. We tried in her puppy socialization class to get her to at least tolerate the vacuum cleaner, but it never worked. Now when I take out the vacuum she goes over to the side of the room by the fire place and sits on the hearth of the fire place. Her ears go out straight - the Yoda position as we call it - and she sulks and freaks out. We have to "kill the monster" when we are finished with it. We wrap up the cord and then put it down on the floor and she has to follow it into it's spots. We have now gotten another monster, that is even bigger, a steam cleaner. we put treats on it and she went up to it, but once we turned it on, she was back on the hearth of the fireplace with Yoda ears. We had to put her outside while we cleaned one of the carpets.

The monster and it's friends...I don't think she will ever get used to it.

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Comment by Michael on August 22, 2008 at 9:01pm
Hmm, I just noticed the original post is like a year old. haha. Hope the vacuum problems went away.
Comment by Michael on August 22, 2008 at 9:00pm
I don't know if this will work but perhaps you can try associating the vacuum cleaner with treats. Perhaps bring out the vacuum, say "ooh look vacuum cleaner", turn it on, and give her a tiny treat. Give her another one while still on. Then turn it off. Then repeat the process.

Not sure if I'm describing the process correctly but that's the idea. Never had any serious problem with my Mac and the vacuum cleaner but I wouldn't say they're pals either.

If you're familiar with clicker training, you could probably incorporate it into the process when and if she eases up and pays attention to you for a treat when the vacuum is on.

Just a few ideas I thought I'd throw out there.
Comment by Susan W on January 4, 2008 at 4:00pm
I think it's the herding nature in corgis... our dog is the same way. we used to have one of us taking him out for a walk when the other person vacuums the place. He's gotten better lately, he can finally tolerate the vacuuming as long as it's not aiming at him...

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