2 Heart Warming Rescue Stories from Japan

These 2 dogs have been rescued! Helped by a team of volunteers led by  "Butch Japan" pet food company president : Kenn Sakurai. The only way they can access the region is on dirt bikes w/ cages strapped on the back. It took them 2-hrs to ride the dogs to the nearest shelter in Mito, Ibaraki-ken. The white dog is still at the vet & his faithful defender  is waiting at the shelter.


Kenn Sakurai on FB said: 

“This is what it’s like when we could find the dogs at the actual disaster area. The white has gotten weak but the brown one is not allowing to get closer. The TV crew shot this. We have already got these dog. But it took two hours to take them to the closest shelter. The guys who had done that had the bigger plastic cage on the back of the bike. Having such weight on the back is risky for going the way with no road.” and “Both dogs brought to Mito, Ibaraki. One is staying at the vet clinic and the brown and white one is at the shelter.”

“Those two dogs are rescued. The one which came close to the camera is in the better condition. The other White, Gray and Black was weak. So it is in the vet clinic in Ibaraki Prefectre. The other dog is in the shelter of the same area.
But please know that those two are just the tip of the iceberg. There are more and we need help.”

Two Pet Dogs Defy Tsunami in Japan

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Comment by Wendt Worth Corgi's on March 16, 2011 at 2:24pm
I can't imagine..the horror...the emotions are so overwhelming!

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