We've had our Yumi now for a little over 2 weeks and she is the most awesome little dog ever! She has become COMPLETELY attached to me and follows me everywhere I go. She loves all the rest of her family too, but she's a huge momma's girl! ^^ She stands up on her hind legs sometimes and gives me a "kiss" on my cheek, just one small lick as she reaches my cheek and then drops back down wiggling that nub. It's so adorable, I hope she never grows out of it! And wow, if only every dog was so easily housebroken!! She's had only 3 accidents since we've been home, and those were only because I overslept. I've made sure to set myself an early alarm now to make sure she gets outside when she needs to and we've been accident free (plus she does her best to wake me up, nothing like a wiggly corgi licking you to death to get you up and motivated, lol). Gah, the cuteness is so overwhelming, from those gorgeous little brown eyes to that oh so cute little wiggly nub of a tail that goes off at the slightest glance in her direction. Oh and she LOVES to dance!! Hopping, spinning, prancing, she does it all! Then when she wears herself out she goes and stretches out belly up on our bed. I had originally planned to have her a little bed on the floor next to ours, but I couldn't help letting her snuggle with us the first night or two she was home to make her feel comfy and welcome and well, now she's a regular addition to our bed, lol. It's really low to the ground so she has no trouble getting up and down when she wants and she even covers herself up! I did it first on accident and quickly pulled the cover back (I've only had one or two animals that have liked being covered), but she wasn't having that, she sat up and grabbed the cover with her mouth and yanked it back over her, tucking it in around herself. So cute!! I'm gonna have to get her a little blanket when I get a chance, I think I have some of Ian's old baby blankets packed away somewhere, she might like one of them. I still can't believe I finally got a corgi of my own and I'm so happy that I did! She's such a great little girl and she charms everyone that meets her, even my Mom, who isn't a fan of smaller dogs. Nobody can resist that cute little dancing pup and everyone wants her! Thank God for corgis!!! ^^

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Comment by Queenie and Chico on September 9, 2009 at 5:30pm
Congtrats on your new addition to your family, and welcome to the life of having the most cutest and smartest dogs ever. I also enjoy my wiggly dancing corgi.. its funny to see my Chico Bear get so excited when he notices I'm going out to the garage... he does his little spin and jump to the door handle.. I love the personalities of these dogs.. so cute how Yumi pulls the covers over her head and tucks herself in... Love it!! So true that nobody can resist a corgi and their cuteness... Enjoy.. :-)
Comment by GoGoRainbow on September 9, 2009 at 4:05pm
make sure to get lots of videos and post them ^_^ my camera was broken when pooka was young and I regret very much not getting more videos and pictures.
Comment by christy fry on September 9, 2009 at 1:24pm
I'm so glad your pup is settling in so well. She sound s like a cutie pie =)

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