Tammey, Bear, and I were recently in Oklahoma City making a delivery into a warehouse, when I had one of those embarassing, "Oh my God, is that what I think it is!!! Oh man it is! Look what I found! Tammey! bring Bear and the camera!" moments. Most of the time when I have one of these little fits we are on the road and I will have just seen a landmark and a photo opportunity for Bear. In Van Horn TX, we photographed him in front of the world famous Diesel Fried Chicken sign and with the desert art at the John Madden Hall of Fame (also in Van Horn) aka: Chueys Mexican restaurant. By the way Chueys has really good Mexican food, (if you ever happen to be in Van Horn (snicker snicker haha)) just look at John Madden. Ok, maybe that is a weak start but we have also taken his picture biking in Colorado with the Rocky Mountains in the background, posed beside Scott Riggs' Nascar somewhere in N.C., sleeping on the dash of the truck as we cross over the Sunshine Skyway in FL., he has been photographed in both of our oceans (USA) and the Gulf of Mexico, he posed with a silly flower in his hair (Tammey made him do it) with the old metal bridge in the back ground in Davenport Iowa., we photographed him at the UFO crash site in Roswell N.M. and with real aliens (you have to look real close) in Baker Calf. and one of my personal favorites riding on the dash of the truck while crossing over the George Washington Bridge in New York City just to name a few. But it was while we were having lunch at Chueys Mexican Restaurant in Van Horn TX. that I came up with the idea of photographing Bear in front of all of the famous landmarks that we should run across in our travels and posting them on MyCorgi.Com.
When the idea hit me I became very excited and started to explain to Tammey how as we travel around the U.S. we take pictures of Bear (who just happens to be a Ham) at all of these great places and post them on MyCorgi.Com and all of the members will see them and write us saying things like "Hey, is that the Sun Shine Skyway in one of your pics I see?" (this really happened). Or, "That Bear has it made in his little trailer riding in the Rockies" (also a real comment). Or maybe possibly "Hey Caven, I saw you driving down highway 95 this morning with Bear up there on the dash. That was me honking at you, so watch who you point that finger at." I really didn't know what to expect but I knew that there were many other Corgi junkies out there just like me and that they would be looking for Corgi close encounters. I kind of expected to get messages with pictures of other Corgis in the same spot and notes saying look we've been there too. But when I made my discovery in that warehouse in OK City I knew that this was a site that not many Corgi owners would recognize and that no Corgi in America had ever marked.
This is a photograph of Bear in front of the Berlin Wall. These four sections of the wall were purchased and brought to Oklahoma City by art lovers Robert and Mei Li Hefner shortly after the fall of the Soviet Union. The mural is titled The Kings of Freedom and was spray painted by the West German Graffiti artist Dennis Kaun.
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