We are currently training for our first AKC agility trial at the end of February. I am very excited. Because UKC was our first experience at novice level, there was no need to know the weaves. This is definitely not the case for AKC. So weaves have been the main focus of most of our training sessions.

As a New Years resolution, I decided to put some more dedication into agility training for Baxter and Ziggy. Since the new year, we've had three training sessions and one group class. However, my training sessions have largely consisted of the same exercises:

(If anyone has any fun practice sequences to share, I'd be all ears.)

For Baxter:

  • Weaves, weaves, and more weaves
  • Weave entries at different angles
  • Table
  • Jump combos to the table

For Ziggy (under one year old):

  • Flips and wraps
  • "Go arounds" using jump as a post
  • Lefts and rights
  • Waits

We are currently in a group class for advanced agility. We have been getting a lot of great handling tips in that one. Sunday's class taught me that we're going to need to do a lot more work on obstacle discrimination and getting Baxter to pay attention to my hand signals. Baxter is very driven to complete all the obstacles he knows with or without my direction. That will make for some fun training sessions to come!

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Comment by Judith Andre on January 12, 2012 at 12:25am

Murray has gotten to where he really likes weaves.  Still working on odd entrances, but he's doing pretty good and I can finally get 8-10' away and not worry about pulling him out of them.  Murray can be a bit like Baxter when he's not gotten enough exercise before we run our first course.  Once he's settled down, he really pays attention.  Isn't agility the most fun?

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