So, I am a new first time puppy owner. As it stands right now, I have owned a dog for 3 days in my entire life.
I am a little worried though, Albert is extremely lethargic today. Yesterday he was a wild child and today he is sleeping a lot.
I did take him for quite a jaunt around the block this morning. Well, quite a jaunt for a puppy, it was only about 15, maybe 20, minutes.
He ate all his food when we got back in. Since then he has slept most the day, aside from maybe an hour total of play time.
I am worried. I know puppies are supposed to sleep a lot, but is he okay?
Also, he won't sleep by me now, he insists on the end of the couch. I suppose it could be a warmth thing. Maybe I am too hot to him right now.
Anyhow, if anyone could reassure me, I would appreciate it.
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