Gromit and Holly and Debbie and I drove up to Phoenix for the Spring picnic hosted by Arizona Cactus Corgi Rescue.  There were about 70 Corgis in attendance but only about 20 left for the end of the day photo. The park people are probably still trying to sweep up all the Corgi fur left behind.



There was agility equipment for the Corgis to try out and a super dooper fly-ball demonstration.  Gromit got so wound up by the fly-ball demo that I had to pick him up and carry him a little ways away.  He went nuts from wanting to run and play with the fly-ball dogs.  He's usually a very laid back Corgi but the excitement really got to him like I've never seen before.

Between the raffle and donations some money was raised for AZCCR and best of all, four Corgis were adopted.  Hooray!


We also got to meet some MyCorgi friends in person for the first time and hopefully again, soon.


More pictures from the day are on Flickr here.

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Comment by Carole and Sophie on March 24, 2011 at 10:41pm

Looks like a wonderful day, loved all your photographs.  I guess all the corgis in the little cages are for adoption - well, that would be difficult to leave without springing at least one of them.  Good so many got new homes. 


Comment by Heather and Ella on March 21, 2011 at 9:38pm
Comment by Sam Tsang on March 21, 2011 at 8:46pm
Awesome :)

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