Hi all!

I need little advise...

My due date for my little girl Grace is today, but I am still waiting.

My little boy coby is 5 years old now and i was wondering how the corgi is doing with new born baby?

I trained coby with gate door on my master bedroom since Jan. 01. 2012.  but im not sure if he will be jealous or protective?

Hope he will be good boy with new born baby.

and when should i introduce new born baby to Coby? First day? or week later?

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Comment by Sam Tsang on June 2, 2012 at 9:25am

Hi Jenny, here you go.

Comment by Chris, Kadi & Brodie on June 2, 2012 at 9:01am

First day you bring baby home. I will tell you what I did with my Dalmatian when my son was born. Sam was an excellent dog, but he had been with me for many years before I got married, then had a son, and he was a bit protective of me. He was intelligent and obedient though. The day I brought my son home from the hospital, Sam was excited to see me, but I brought him to the kitchen table (where he knew we ate meals) and I held my son in my arms so that he was above Sam, then I put Sam on a 'down stay' and gently rolled him over with my foot, so that his belly was up in a submissive position. I left my foot on his stomach to show that not only was I still "alpha" but my new son was above him in the pack as well. I held it there for about a minute or two, then released him and told him he was a good boy. From that moment on, Sam was my son's babysitter. He came to me to tell me when he cried or fussed if I didn't hear him myself. I never had one moment of trouble with them.

Comment by Rachael McClanahan on June 2, 2012 at 4:29am

She wasn't quite a newborn, but we got Pippa when my baby was around 3 months old. They did well with each other, and are practically best friends now that they are both 1. Since he is a little older, I would suggest keeping a blanket close to the baby in the hospital, and having someone bring the blanket home to Coby before the baby comes home. It will help to acquaint him with the baby's smell. You can probably start gradually introducing them from the first day home, but don't leave them together unsupervised. Good luck and congrats on the new baby girl!

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