I have heard that corgis are pretty darn clever - and some are even accomplished escape artists.

As far as escape artists go, Dixie managed to escape her metal crate today. I came home and found my little darling lying calmly on the couch, her antenna ears perked up as though she had been waiting patiently for me. I assumed my fiance came home, let her out, and forgot to re-crate her - but when I did a search of our home to see if she'd done anything naughty, I noticed her crate.

I have no idea how she could have done this without hurting herself, and I've checked her pretty carefully for tender spots and/or scrapes - can't find anything! Somehow, she unhooked the "door" at two spots and squeezed through! As far as I can tell, no other damage anywhere else - and the cage was an easy fix because it wasn't broken, just taken apart. I'm still baffled and I hope that this doesn't become a regular thing.

She's lately shown some separation issues. I was unemployed for about a month, and of course that meant I had plenty of time to be with her. Dixie has always been "my" dog; while she loves my fiance, I'm her favorite :) So it makes sense that she would be unhappy with me resuming a full-time works schedule. Also, now that my fiance and I are both working 9-5s (we used to have very variable schedules that normally left at least one of us at home - and thus with Dixie) she is actually alone more than she is used to be.

I have always said that I have "the amazing silent corgi" because, while I've heard most corgis are talkative, Dixie hardly ever makes any vocalizations. The only times we've heard her bark is if she is confronted by another dog that's making noise. But now, every time I leave our home, she starts barking like, well, an average corgi! She doesn't demonstrate any destructive or neurotic behavior, and this schedule change occurred a little over a month ago. So while this "separation anxiety" is super "light," it still makes me hurt to know my little girl isn't adjusting very well.

I'm very fortunate in that I can absolutely take her to work with me. My boss has okayed it, and everyone I work with just adores her. So I take her along twice a week, and she just loves it. It's really a great situation, but of course I can't take her every day (the nature of my work is mostly office-based, but I try to get involved in our warehouse, as well, and I wouldn't dream of putting her in such a dangerous place!).

I really don't know if I should just force her to get used to spending that much time alone, or if my current arrangement is suitable. My fiance and I have agreed that she's "mature" enough to start trusting her alone at home. We were planning on starting her off in a small room, corgi-proofed as best we can, and then slowly adding more space to her allowed area until she is able to be trusted alone with full run of the place. We are hoping that if she is allowed to be more free at home, she will be more comfortable being left alone.

Anyhow, I just wanted to talk about my puppy. :) I overuse ""s, but whatever.. it's a blog!

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Comment by Amelia Craig on April 16, 2012 at 7:53pm

She doesn't start yapping until she hears the door close. She is completely calm and okay, but once I leave and she hears the door shut, she loses it. I can hear her barking when I walk around to get to my car... I'm not sure when she stops, since I'm not around to listen.

Every time she's broken out, nothing has been destroyed. I'm comfortable with letting her loose - but Mr. doesn't have a lot of faith in her ever since she ate a hole into our carpet several months ago.

We're going to try leaving her out on purpose tomorrow to see how she fares. I think with a couple of toys, she'll be fine. I'm using this as part of my "we need another corgi" argument now, though :P

Comment by Jenny & Ramji on April 13, 2012 at 3:56pm

My puppy used to be fine when we left but recently started to get a little vocal in the morning when I leave for work. My husband usually leaves later than me and he tells me that he stops as soon as he hears the garage door close and acts like nothing has happened! I think he's just trying to get treat out of me before I leave. They are funny little dogs!

Comment by Snickmom on April 10, 2012 at 6:08pm

A lot of people leave their dogs loose in the house while they are at work all day. If she is not pottying on the floor or destructive, then just leave hidden treats and kongs around to keep her entertained and she'll be fine. (They just sleep most of the day anyway)

Comment by Jennifer Markley on April 10, 2012 at 10:14am

That's funny...Seanna used to do the same thing.  She chewed her way out of a foldable cloth crate, and a wire one.  Then we started penning her in the hallway with gates.  She'd knock them to an angle and crawl up and over them.  Never did any real damage, just didn't like being confined.  Think she wanted to prove she was smarter than us also.  I finally got her a plastic crate, and that stumped her.  She's never gotten out of that one.

I think dogs are a lot like kids.  My kids used to hang on to my leg, scream bloody murder when I left to go to work.  One day I was bawling and so upset, that I called my husband on the way to work wanting to come home.  He started laughing and said "they quit crying when they saw you get in the car and leave".  They were off playing.  I think our dogs are like that.  They probably try to make us feel guilty, then when they figure out they aren't going to get anywhere, they just go lay down and go to sleep.

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