I feel like such a dog hypochondriac at times, but since they can't tell us what's wrong... Anyway, Bertie woke me up last night, wanting to go out. He did a normal poo, but then he wanted to just lie in the cool, damp grass. We came back inside and he repeated the performance about an hour later. This time when we came back inside, he wanted to sit in my lap -- and understand, Bertie is ONLY snuggly when he feels bad, otherwise, he is absolutely not. So we sat together for a bit, as I thought he might be developing diarrhea or need to vomit, but nothing happened. So I put him to bed and although he was a little restless, he slept through the night.

Now this morning, he is just not himself. He's fast asleep, and I had to wake him to go out for his AM pee. He's walking very slowly, and sitting in the grass like he just can't move on. He's been taking doxycylcine for a month, he's got 2 days left, as he was positive for anaplasmosis on his last check up, and I put Advantix on him as usual on Friday, both of which he's done before without side effects. Otherwise, we haven't done anything unusual -- walkies in the woods, visit to the dog park, hanging around the house.

His lethargy scares me -- but it seems to have no locus, no specific symptoms other than he just doesn't seem to feel good. Should I give it the day, or call the vet? My bubby. I hate it when he doesn't feel good. And if he does get worse, it will, of course, be in the middle of the night, I'm sure.

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Comment by Susan Stanton on April 20, 2009 at 2:33pm
Thanks, guys. We did go to see the vet, this is a small town and they know us very well. He checked to make sure nothing else was going on, and he thinks he just may have been feeling very low/nauseated by the doxy. So we're taking it easy today, and B. is actually looking a little perkier than he did this morning. Our little bubbies -- and like small children, everything always seems to get worse in the middle of the night.
Comment by Geri & Sidney on April 20, 2009 at 2:17pm
Aw, poor Bertie! I don't blame you for feeling anxious. How is he now? If it makes you feel more at ease to have him seen, I would do that. It's such a tough call, I know.
Comment by Sam Tsang on April 20, 2009 at 9:53am
Since there's 2 days left, may be observe him and see how he does after the doxycyline cycle. When I was on Doxycycline myself, I didn't experience side effects everyday, just some of those days, nasty drug - bad stomach cramp :(

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