Well we got to bring Chesney home today. She is soooo cute and funny. After we introduced her to Oreo and they got used to each other she started to go up to him and get down sticking her butt up in th air and growling at him and then pawing at his face then she'd bark at him with her cute little bark and then jump on him....lol. Oreo didn't know what to do! He just sat there looking at her like "what the heck are you!" Sooo cute!
Now potty training should be tons of fun seeing as how we currently have about a foot of snow and we are about to get a HUGE blizzard that is supposed to dump 2-3 more feet on us. Piddle pads here we come! LOL
I took pics and will be loading them up soon so you can see!

Merry Christmas!!!
Happy Holidays!


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Comment by Bree on December 21, 2008 at 1:13pm
Your blog is so funny, Chloe does the same thing to Cooper as Chesney did to Oreo! We joke that she is like "Sarah" from Land Before Time, she is super fiesty! She always tries to play fight with Cooper or my parents border collie----she has no fear!

I see that little Chesney has the same "winter nose" as Chloe! I read some articles on it, and they said it fills in with time and exposure to the sun....
Comment by Bay in TN on December 21, 2008 at 9:42am
Yay! Welcome home, Chesney!!! And Merry Christmas, Oreo and Misty!

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