Chico and Queenie are trying to make a Litter

Yes they are! Trying that is,he mounts her, she has a seat, then they do a little dance.

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Comment by Queenie and Chico on May 2, 2009 at 8:35pm
I'm not as excited as I am concerned about all that involves the process. This is about the 3rd time that she has gone in "heat" since I've had him. I have decided if it hasnt happened by this time I'm going to have them both spayed and neutered. I do have a great vet, but I'm not sure if I'm financially ready to have these puppy sold with tails docked and dewclaws removed and vaccinations that they will need. I Feel its my repsonibility to have these procedures done before the puppies are sold to get a right price for them. There are so many responibilities that go into mating . Any suggestions? Anyone?. I'm hoping for the best. and I have a feeling I'm going to want to keep all of them...since you corgi is not
Comment by Sunni A. on May 2, 2009 at 2:35pm
Sounds complicated. :)
Comment by Sam on May 2, 2009 at 9:49am
No doubt you are excited. I hope along with your excitement you are educating yourself to as much information you can find regarding the gestation, how to know if she is ailing, the high rate of cesarean sections and puppy care. There is so much more involved then the mating of two dogs. I have heard many heartbreaking stories from those that were not prepared. Best of luck to you.

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