Has anyone seen or heard of a Corgi with Lupus? My Dash has had a flare up of redness, flaking , and white scabs all around his mouth and the bridge of his nose. He has been under two rounds of antibiotics and allergy medicine and does not seem to improve. The vet just ran a blood test for Lupus and we will not find out until Monday. Im so sad. He is just over a year and has been on Fluconazole for 7 months for his Valley Fever and now this.

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Comment by Adrienne on May 25, 2010 at 12:01am
Dash got a negative on his blood test for Lupus but doesn't necessarily rule it out. We have decided to hold off on a biopsy as it is costly . The vet has put Dash on Prednisone and he is responding well. We will have to wait and see if it flares up again once he is finished with his meds. For the time being he seems happy and healthy.
Comment by Alice on April 26, 2010 at 1:05pm
I haven't heard of dogs getting Lupus before. Poor Dash, can't catch a break. Hopefully it isn't Lupus and is just allergies. Let us know.

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