I am deeply grieved over the loss of my best friend/teacher Cori Mawashti (lakota for "be good"). After a heroic, 2 year survival with a nasal carcinoma (It should have taken him within 6 months),his body could not fight it any more,even though his spirit was still putting up a battle against the end. Because of this very special boy, I had to learn a new way to train (positive reinforcement) and now teach it to others; how to rehab injured dogs (I now rehab dogs) and work for a holistic Vet, which I strongly believe helped to keep him going 2 years longer than this cancer should have let him. Because of him I learned to dance with my dog; first took freestyle for rehab because he injured his back and couldn't walk and his chiropractor suggested it-I now teach it. His motto in life was "It's more fun to be bad than be good" and that's the way he lived his life-ful tilt boggie, always with this big grin. He taught me that every day it to be enjoyed-the day before his last, he was chasing coyotes-not very far, not very fast (and he had back-up) but his spirit had not given up. And it's funny, now that he has gone from me, I don't hear him around the house. Maybe his spirit has gone on to teach someone else the lessons that I learned to be a better dog friend. I miss you Cori and I'll see you again over the Rainbow Bridge!

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