Hi everyone, i have had little charlie for a week now and he is the best dog ever!! He is 9 weeks old and already i have trained him to sit, stay and come. In the process of lie down! Anyway my question is.....Are most corgis fairly independant. Charlie will let me pat him when he is tired but he aint the cuddliest of puppies. Is this a corgi trait or does he not love me enuf yet??? In saying that i am in the middle of australian summer and it is pretty hot here. Everything abolut him is great, I guess i just expected more cuddles but he actually sleeps at our feet on the couch but a meter away from us. We thought he would want his head on our lap or something. Anyone got any advice....Ta. x

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Comment by Mardi on February 12, 2009 at 11:45am
hey thanx all. charlie is my first dog and i am just learning that he is his own person....oops i mean dog. he has mastered the 'drop' now and is nearlly toilet trained after only 2 weeks!! i have worked out that it is the heat that makes him sleep away from us. when the air conditioner is cranked to freezing he cant get close enuf! anyway i cant wait for winter now so i will get more cuddles! corgis rock!!
Comment by Becky S on February 7, 2009 at 9:43am
I have one of each... Brody will only cuddle once in a while for a short time, but Lilly is up on my lap every chance she gets (she and the cat have figured out how to share) and even if Brody is up on my lap she'll join right in, so once in a while it's a double corgi cuddle! But that's pretty rare
Comment by Lou Ann Lemaster on February 7, 2009 at 9:10am
Duncan has his moments. He's not much of a cuddler. My first corgi was. Now, my chorgi loves nothing better to do than cuddle.
Comment by Nicola Porter on February 7, 2009 at 8:47am
Read my blog on my first real cuddle with LO, that dog won't stay still. I have had him for 4 months and only recently got a good cuddle.
Comment by Sam on February 7, 2009 at 7:01am
Some dogs like to cuddle far more than others. I have some that would lay on my lap for hours and others that want five minutes of recognition then they are off to other adventures. Most pups are happy to cuddle when they are sleepy and not so much when they are exploring the world. Only time will tell if your pup turns into a cuddler or not.
Comment by Lauren + Winston on February 7, 2009 at 1:12am
Winston will cuddle with me for about 10 minutes (if that) and then he gets up and usually goes and makes his own bed or lays on the floor or something. He's not much of a cuddler. Sometimes he is though. It just depends. But I wouldn't worry about it if he's not super-cuddly.
Comment by Elizabeth on February 7, 2009 at 12:12am
Our Ellie as a puppy would never cuddle and if you tried to cuddle her she would half heartedly growl and then get up and move away. Now she's 10 months and will cuddle but it's only on her terms, she really only does it when she knows I don't feel good then she cuddles really close and wont leave me alone. She still growls if I try to cuddle her and she doesn't want it though. My Yuki wasn't a cuddler either but she's two years old now and cuddles at night and when I take naps. I think the older they get the more they like to cuddle, just give it some time.
Comment by Alice on February 6, 2009 at 9:56pm
Finnigan is the same way. He cuddled with me on the 7 hour drive home the day we picked him up but he was only 8 weeks old and had just had a shot so he probably didn't feel well. The older he got, the more independant he seemed. When he wanted to nap he'd go off by himself, he didn't want to be in bed with us or on the couch. He was the sweetest when he was extremely sleepy. :) Now he is 5 months old and is starting to get more lovey. He likes to climb in my lap to chew his toys and lay under my legs while I'm on the couch. My parents have a 1 year old Cardi and he loves to cuddle so I'm sure all of our puppies will get their with age. :)
Comment by LaVerne & Shirley on February 6, 2009 at 8:54pm
Im in the same boat as you are. I had expected a cuddly pup but I have to sneak up on her when she is totally out of it and snuggle up next to her. She is very attentive and smart. She learned her commands at a very young age and loves to learn and do tricks. But cuddling..not so much....lol Im not sure if the non cuddly thing is a Corgi trait but thats what Ive got too! Maybe when they get older? Time will tell.

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