the other day we went to grandma's house for the day. i always love heading over there! i get to take a break from apartment living and run around like a mad dog in grandma's backyard with their dog, squeakers. we usually get along famously but this time it was different. squeakers was hanging out in the garage while i wanted to investigate outdoors. it was such a beautiful day, how can you want to stay in doors? anywho, mom thought it was a good idea to give me my breakfast out on the patio since squeakers was no where in sight. well as soon as mom went inside she came out and went straight for my food! i did not like this because she wouldn't let me get a measly, tiny nugget of kibble! so we duked it out! mom came outside to break us up which we did very quickly but when mom started picking up my kibble on the patio, squeakers was still eating it!! she didn't like this so she growled at my mom and snapped at her! so i had to spring into action and save mom! i jumped on squeakers and had to show her that wasn't right. i didn't bite her but i did mouth her coat a little while i growled and barked. as soon as mom got the food out of there everything was cool again. that was so crazy!

oh and everyone was OK, no blood or anything :)


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Comment by Susan Stanton on May 23, 2009 at 8:13pm
Sigh. As the uncle, I know what it's like to keep a small fry at bay. The first couple of days Ethel came to live with us, I foolishly let her eat some kibbles out of my bowl -- so she seemed to think she owned ALL the kibbles in the house! I had to correct her mistaken thinking, but now we all understand whose is what.... Well, we understand that it's all mine, but I generously let her have some now and again! Corgi-style sharing. --- Bertie W.
Comment by Julia on May 22, 2009 at 10:12pm
It's like that every day when you live with a big brother! I may be small, but I'm tougher, stronger, smarter and faster than that old dog. So what does mom do? Makes the rule that I have to wait for him to finish his food before I can lick out his empty bowl. It's not easy to control myself, but mom's the mom. She just doesn't understand that the Corgi deserves everything.


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