I took Max for a
walk this afternoon thought he would enjoy some out of doors time and we started out. It was nice out and things were goiing real well. Now remember I live in the prarie and we have a lot of nothing. We were going down a well used path when Max saw something and tried to chase it, right off the path was cactus! Max ran right through it.Poor Baby! The way he cried people probally thought I was trying to kill him. I pick him up of course in the wrong place at first. Brought him home and took him to the vet.They have a pair of tweezers with a magnifing glass on them and they picked cactus needles out of his paws, chin and belly. Soaked him in epson salts and put some gunk on him. I brought him home with a promise to check him again, He's being very quiet now. Things were rough there for a while.

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Comment by Michelle on December 2, 2008 at 5:11pm
Poor Baby.. I am sorry. Hope he feels better soon! ^-^

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