does your corgi do this when there's strangers?

I can't remember exactly when Momo started doing this, he's been a quiet dog and rarely barks but I think it was about when he was 5 months old he started to probably grow up a bit and barks at sounds that are strange to him, and when there's sounds of strangers going back home( we live in a apartment).

Now, I'm not surprised that he's barking, but the weird thing is that after he barks, he will go and find me or my husband and would jump up and want pats on his head or try to nip us for fun and it takes a little while for him to calm down. Does any other corgi's do this?

I'm not sure if this behavior is feelings of insecurity or excitement?

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Comment by Alice on March 26, 2009 at 1:23pm
We live in an apartment as well and know the frustrations of a barking dog. Finn is a very vocal dog. He usually "talks" with little growl/whine/yawn noises but will bark when excited or guarding. His guarding can drive us up a wall especially when he barks at every sound or movement outside late at night. I even posted a blog about it asking for advise. :) Anyway, when he barks outside, he wants to run toward the sound but inside he will bark and run to my husband or I and stay by our legs. I don't know if he thinks he is guarding us by doing this or if he himself is a little scared.
Comment by Melissa on March 26, 2009 at 11:23am
Pixie barks at everything now. We're in an apartment, so it can get annoying. My Hubby and I, at first, would try to get her to stop by saying "no." That didn't work. I think she thought we were upset about whatever she was barking at, so she decided to keep barking. We figured out if we praise her or give her a treat for being such a good watchdog she calms down faster. She thinks she's doing a job (which she sort of is) and wants recognition.
Comment by Yee and Momo on March 26, 2009 at 11:14am
oh, I see, it's just funny the way he acts...I was wondering for a second about that behavior, I guess there's nothing for me to worry about ;)
Comment by Marion and Vern on March 26, 2009 at 9:04am
Tedi used to come to us after or while barking at strange sounds. I always figured he was deferring to the Alphas' of the pack. It was his way of saying "Okay your alpha so fix it, find it , or stop it". Pretty much protect me. Usually if we went and checked it out or took him with us, without saying it's okay, he would sense from us that there was no fear coming off of us so it was okay. Never could get that through to him about thunder though but then I don't like thunder. Bet he picked up on my fear of it.
Comment by Sam on March 26, 2009 at 9:02am
Ya, this is completely normal and most likely purely excitement.

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