If anyone is experiencing dog food allergies with their corgi(s) please feel free to read this article http://hubpages.com/hub/dog-food-allergies-info. I have been through this struggle and want to share some helpful information to get our little love bugs back on track. Thanks for reading and sharing! Hope everyone is well.

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Comment by Carol Rea on October 4, 2010 at 3:12pm
Wellness is the brand I was considering changing to! We did use to make a cooked food or "gruel" for Odie, our corgi that had megaesophagus. He had to eat standing up and remain standing for 20 min after eating - hard to do once Lucky came to live at our house! He would eat, throw up, eat his vomit...it was pretty awful, the carpet in our new house is corgi puke tan! How he made it for 7 years is beyond me, he always had aspiration pneumonia or dehydration. Mike is now just very negative about spending $$ on the dogs, you would think that we had forked out the $$ for Lucky's wheels instead of CorgiAid providing them! Everytime he goes on antibiotics he has a fit.(maybe we could just give him chix with the abx in it and it would all equal out HAHAHA) I know, I will give Mike kibble and see if he likes it.
Comment by Melissa Roberson on October 4, 2010 at 2:06pm
Aww, I hear you. It's hard too when you don't have the support. I know Instinct is a good low cal diet but its pretty expensive too. I used to get coupons for it by signing up with different email addresses every time. lol. It was buy one get one free. I don't know how good Wellness is these days but I know if you call them once a month they'll send you a $5 or $10 coupon toward any of their products. I used to do that to get them cheap, healthyish treats. :)
Comment by Carol Rea on October 4, 2010 at 1:50pm
I've thought about it, my husband is totally non-supportive about the whole idea! We live a ways out of town, so buying the meat would be somewhat os a hassle - cheapest I've seen chicken thighs (boneless, skinless and not abx free) is at Safeway for $1.99 per lb. The natural food store is at least an hour drive and VERY expensive, even for us but we bite the bullet. We do miss our old town and the coop!
Comment by Melissa Roberson on October 4, 2010 at 12:09pm
Hi Carol Rea! After reading a variety of books on the raw diet and natural pet health in general I would never feed my pups kibble again. Its hard to convince someone who's dogs have lived on that type of food so long and not had any problems to switch. But, I personally would switch both of those cuties to a homemade diet. You don't have to feed the meat raw but its better to do so to get the most nutrition out of it. I always shop for bargains on meat and end up paying around $1.00/lb. for chicken thighs. The natural food store here sells their antibiotic and hormone free meat as raw dog food for $1.50/lb. if it doesn't sell by a certain date. They LOVE it! I switched Toby because he has a sensitive tummy and really bad teeth. I get them cleaned once a year but half way through the year his gums are already swollen and really red, even with brushing. The enzymes in the raw meat break down the plack and his teeth have been so much better ever since we switched. I truly believe a homemade diet boosts their immune system because they are getting nutrient rich foods. Along with the meat I give them assorted ground veggies that I grind once a month and then take it out of the freezer as I need it. Just something to think about. We also got our cat off of insulin by switching him to raw meat. Sonny might benefit from that type of low cal diet. I just don't trust dog food companies anymore.
Comment by Carol Rea on October 3, 2010 at 3:58pm
Our Lucky was tested for allergies when he broke out in these magnificant welts. He is allergic to all potatoes, duck, lamb, veal, venison, and egg. Those are what I remember. He does tolerate a little egg in the 1/4 pancake he gets once a week. We are currently trying to find a new food! One for Lucky and and high quality low cal food for Sonny

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