Doggie day care, Short term Boarding, Blood Platelets, & Prayer Needed! Houston, TX (Not necessarily in that order.)

I need some help and or good advice.  My older Brother (Edgar Marsh) has been undergoing leukemia treatment at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Tx for a little over a year now.   Two months ago he was accepted into the Stem Cell Transplant Program and is requiring a constant supply Blood Platelets as his body is not producing them.  Tammey, my oldest Brother Eddie, and I have been making the trip from Arlington (Dallas/Fort Worth area) to Houston to Donate twice a week.  We have to wait at least two days between Donations. Each time we Donate we can only give one unit each and he requires eight units per day.  Edgar's entire family is pitching in and trying to make him well in everyway possible but resourses are running thin.

     About eight months ago Tammey and I decided to give up our travels and focus on my photography career.  (I worked as a professional photographer for the Dallas County Community College District for fifteen years before deciding to go off and see the U.S.A.)  My photography is a God sent blessing as it permits us and to have the maximum flexibility in our life to be there for my Big Brother just like he has always been there for me. 

    The help we need is this.  We have three dogs, Bear who you all know,  Ollie Ann our Collie Lab mix, and Joni our Great Dane.  Everytime we leave the house here in Arlington, we have to have them watched.  We usually leave at about 5:00 in the morning and get back about 10:00 pm.  If anyone knows a reasonably priced trustworthy pet sitter in the Arlington area "please send us that information".  Or a good "reasonable priced" day boarder in the Houston area that we could use on the days that we aren't carrying a car load of Doners down with us.  Any ideas would be appreciated.  Also, please add my brother Edgar to your prayer list!  Edgar is very worthy of your prayers.  He is a Treasured Systems Designer for Adobe in Salt Lake City, he is a Loving Husband, Brother, Father and Friend.  He constantly makes everybodys life he touches better.  Please pray for him!

    We do not often carry the lap top with us on these trips so we are not checking in on MyCorgi all that often and we miss our Corgi community when we can not be here.  If you live near M. D. Anderson and want to Donate in his name (Edgar Marsh) God bless you! Please let us know if you wish to donate! If you want to get in touch with us see our web site at our work email and phone number is on the page. 

Thanks and may God bless you! Caven and Tammey Marsh

Caven & Tammey

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Comment by E on May 3, 2011 at 1:08am

Have you checked Yelp in your area? How far are you from Dallas?  Here are some recommendations and reviews for doggy dare care in Dallas, with a few other areas :


I don't know if you'd be willing to bring your dogs with you(might be tough with the great dane)  but there are several options available for you in Houston.


I know friends who love the following places in Houston (look for them in the above link):


Deogi Dog Spa & Resort

Rover Oaks Pet Resort

20th Street Grooming & Doggie Daycare


Comment by Jennifer Markley on April 29, 2011 at 6:16pm
I can't offer you anything but prayers....but will send lots your way...
Comment by Parker on April 29, 2011 at 4:07pm

I'll definitely pray for your brother! I don't Arlington or Houston well, so I'm no help there though! Good luck!!! :)


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