Check out Buzzfeed today.  The report says that Corgis are close to becoming an extinct breed!   No Way!!!

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Comment by Judith Andre on December 27, 2013 at 1:53am

On the subject of tail docking, I was reading an article a couple of years ago about how breeders in some European country...might have been Sweden?... had started breeding for the bob tail trait after docking was banned in their country and how the percentage of bob tail puppies was something like approaching 50% now.  Should have looked up the facts again before I posted, but anyhow, this is an approximation as I remember it.  British breeders could do the same. 

Comment by Judith Andre on December 27, 2013 at 1:47am

I've started telling people basically what Susan said.  We get stopped so much with the comment that a Corgi is going to be their next dog etc.  I used to tell them how awesome they are, now I'm scared about their growing popularity and try to tell them more of the downside.

Comment by Barbara Oberholtzer on December 26, 2013 at 12:17pm

It's true, corgis are different and not for everyone.  We attract alot of attention when we go out and I also explain how corgis are not your regular dog.  Corgi IQ is much higher!

Comment by susan on December 26, 2013 at 9:07am

I agree with Judith.  My biggest fear is that a corgi will be cast in a Disney film or a fast food commercial.  Next we will see them piling up in the shelters.   When people ask me about corgs I tell them how high energy they are, that they need a lot of training and attention, and that they shed   Lets keep corgis a big fuzzy secret! 

Comment by Roger/Laurie on December 24, 2013 at 5:56pm

That is impossible every time you brush them or vacuum they have multiplied times 3.

Comment by Beth on December 24, 2013 at 9:38am

No danger world wide, but the numbers are very low in England.  They always were low for some reason, and after the docking ban the bottom just fell out.   Breeders just quit.

Comment by Barbara Oberholtzer on December 24, 2013 at 1:53am

You're so right.  

Comment by Judith Andre on December 24, 2013 at 12:38am

I did not believe this either.  Apparently in Britain that is true. In America it is just the opposite.  now 24th in AkC registrations.  That is scarey as well as too much popularity is never good for a breed.

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