Well, after a friends suggestion, I decided to take Kate to another vet to see what is wrong with her back legs. It took the vet all of 5 mins to tell me, Kate has Luxated Patella, and she has strained her back because of it.

I was actually tearing up at the vets i was so relieved.

She wont need surgery, and she will probably live a long and happy life, and probably wont need a wheelchair. I am so glad I pursued this and found the problem.

But she will have limited activity, and definately no jumping. Also I will most probably have to take her to a chiropractor occasionally, later in life. Her back alignment is fine right now she jsut strained it.

SO I have pain meds and anti inflammitory meds, she will sleep all day today while i am at work. she has been resting last couple of weeks, altho she has wanted to be more active. She did lose some weight, shes back down to 23.8 lbs, and since shes a smaller corgi, both the vet and I have agreed to get her down to 20-21lbs ideal weight so she wont have added stress on her legs.

I was told this is hereditary, not something she developed later, her legs have always been on the wobbly side, its just too many things have happened over the last few months that have alerted me to a problem. she did gain weight, which added stress, and her back probably has been hurting for awhile and shes been hiding it as much as she can from me. But her moping around, and jsut laying in my room not sleeping for hours tells me this was not normal and something was wrong. not to mention how she acted at the dog park!

So I wanted to let everyone know, and many many thanks for all the posts and comments, lets hope for the best for her!

Pat (and Katie)

Oh and by the way, after adopting Ringo, Kate has changed, she is social again with other dogs. she went right up to a bull mastif yesterday at the vets, and nose to nose enjoyed the greeting! she was very friendly! no nipping!

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Comment by Pat Piotrowski on November 8, 2010 at 6:42pm
thanks Darlene! her back is still sore, I may have to take her back. I can see she is still sensitive in the mid back area. she may need a chiropractor
Comment by Darlene Hennessy on November 7, 2010 at 5:33pm
I am glad to read Katie is improving, and her diagnosis was something easily handled!!! Yeah!!!!
Comment by Pat Piotrowski on September 27, 2010 at 5:26am
I paid less than 7.50 for 60 pills, the brand name is Pro Pet. Katie loves them, no need to hide this pill in somehting either. everywhere else was 25 to 35.00 for glucosomine. good luck! even if you have to get them shipped (if they dont have them in the store) thats a good deal!
Comment by Carol Rea on September 26, 2010 at 9:15am
Sounds like she is doing better, I am so glad as it is certainly time! 500 mg of glucosamine is the amount we were told, i was giving the 1500 mg adult, oops! now cutting them in 1/2 so still a little large. I will try Walmart (my spouse hates it and won't shop there) for prices, sure would like to find one I did not have to cut in half as these new ones are hard even with a pill cutter! Have a good week and hope all goes well for Katie!!
Comment by Pat Piotrowski on September 26, 2010 at 5:11am
Thanks Carol, nice to know this. the glucosomine i am giving kate is the pills meant for dogs. I looked around and funny thing walmart was by far the cheapest for this. I looked at drugstores for adult pills, and several pet shops, and walmart had them beat by far. and the dosage goes by weight. i give her one pill a day with dinner. they are glucosomine 500 MG and vit C 100 MG pet tabs.
Katies signals for pain are she mopes, and really doesnt move much. she goes in my room on her bed for hours and lays there with her eyes open. probably moaning in her head. You see i thought she was lonely doing that. but she has been doing this since the spring. so she ws probably in pain since then.
I am noticing now she is holding her head higher when she walks so the meds are working on her. and she is out of my room alot more. all good signs!
I will from now on, keep a very close eye on her actions, since her actions are so subtle. i dint know this and I thought i knew her like a book. hummm.
Comment by Carol Rea on September 25, 2010 at 11:54am
both tramadol and deramaxx are pain medications, the deramaxx is both for pain and anti-inflamatory. i have heard of the glucosamine causing tummy probs, check dosage - I was giving too much as I was giving Lucky human glucosamine! I find that with Lucky, that he "paces" when he is in pain (hard to pace when you cannot walk, he seal walks all over the house) he also pants a lot, you will be able to tell!! Good luck, i would remove the tramadol first since the deramaxx can be used for both, but check with the vet, after all I am a retired human pharm tech/dietitian!
Comment by Pat Piotrowski on September 25, 2010 at 4:51am
AThanks Carol, the vet said she could take both meds with or without food. I already asked, cause I know Katie has a sensitive stomach.
Shes on Tramadol 35 MG 1/2 tab twice a day for anti inflam, and deramaxx 25 MG whole tab (per vet) once a day for pain. but i only give her deramaxx 1/2 tab and I give both with her meals. I also give her glucosomine with dinner and she has had a hard time with her tummy on those but seems to be adjusting now that its been a couple of weeks.
I do have to let her out more often, and shes been waking me up at 4am last couple of nights to go out. I jsut think its the extra meds.thats ok I have had a busy work week anyways and have to get up earlier for work.
she seems better today, more active, even a little feisty with Ringo. a little more hungry too, but i cant do anything about that.
I always give her meds with food ( I ask first tho)
A freidn told to watch the meds cause they can do a job on her liver, I may take her off the pain meds early if she doesnt seem to need them in a few days.
Comment by Carol Rea on September 24, 2010 at 7:21pm
Pat, check with the vet about taking med with food so tummy will be better (some you cannot take with food, some you need to, some it does not matter) Does she take a whole tab morning and night? If not, he might have her take 1/2 tab morning and 1/2 tab at night - can you tell I went from being a dietitian to pharmacy tech, plus I am on a boat load of meds! I am pretty sure that the anti inflamatory can and maybe should be taken with food (well, depends which one!) I sure hope they help! Glad you got some good advise from a vet finally.
Comment by Pat Piotrowski on September 24, 2010 at 6:48pm
Thanks everyone! boy her meds are knocking her out! geez, I gave her the anti inflam last night and she was sitting next to me and 2 mins later she was snoring,
and this morning, i only gave her a 1/2 tab (vet told me 1 whole but her tummy is sensitive) and she was woozy an hour later!
she is getting lots of rest, no running. I dont think she could run if she wanted to on these meds!
thanks so much everyone!
Comment by Carol Rea on September 24, 2010 at 2:44pm
Pat, so glad that this new vet was a good one! sounds like things will be getting better for you.

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