Ok, so after googling it a bit, I really haven't been able to find any dog parks in my area. I'm about 15 miles north of Philadelphia, PA. There's a bunch of parks actually in the city, but that's a bit of a hassle to go into the city for. I was hoping someone might know of a good place outside of Philadelphia, possibly even in western New Jersey where I might be able to take Optimus. Or, does anyone know a good site for locating dog parks? I tried zootoo.com but their site seemed buggy and kept giving me results for a park near Pittsburgh (some 200-300 miles away, even though it said 3 miles away). Thanks!

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Comment by Amanda & Tuck on February 11, 2009 at 2:18pm
Thanks for the recommendation of Reynolds Dog Park. I live in Phoenixville. I know there is a dog park right in town but I am not sure what it is like and it's good to have options. When I get my corgi I will be checking out the local dog parks so maybe we will see you there!
Comment by Trenton and Denise on January 28, 2009 at 3:26pm
I would try dogfriendly.com this is the site I use when I am out traveling for softball. Give it a try it just might help. Good Luck
Comment by Sam Tsang on January 28, 2009 at 3:06pm
hmmm... seems like you're in a unique location, try here for PA and here for NJ, use the zoom tool to locate the one closest to you. Then visit Yelp for reviews
Comment by Matt & Hilliary on January 28, 2009 at 2:57pm
Thanks, that's a bit of a hike, but I have a general idea of where it is (my brother played hockey in pottstown for years). It's probably worth the occasional trip once it gets nice out. Thanks for the tip!
Comment by Carlie on January 28, 2009 at 2:55pm
Hi! We live up in Limerick PA. We take Kiwi, every weekend to Reynolds Dog Park, in Phoenixville/Collegeville PA, if you take 422 W. towards Pottstown, you'll get off at the Oaks exit and take a left. If you want more detailed information/directions I'd be happy to give them to you. Hope this helps, and hope to see you there one day! There aren't too many corgis who go, in fact Kiwi is the only corgi who has been going in the winter time, so we'd love to meet another corgi friend!

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