My Fin, age one and a half, has started this furious ritual in the morning of biting and licking his feet like crazy. He goes to his bed and just cleans and licks his little pink toes until they are shiny : )..... is this a habit ? could something be missing from his diet? I just ordered some salmon oil and he is already on a great vitamin supplement.... any ideas in Corgi land ??
PS he usually only does this in the morning after he wakes up

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Comment by Elizabeth on September 21, 2010 at 9:15pm
I'm glad it helped. ;) And, if I was canine instead of human, there'd be some serious biting and licking going on here, too, or else I'd be spinning like Rumplestiltskin (sp?). (chuckle) Perhaps we both have high strung herders - Jon Farleigh definitely is. :)
Comment by Dawn Kellogg on September 21, 2010 at 12:29pm
thanks Elizabeth ! that is helpful ! I also find myself chuckling as I also suffer from some OCD, and they say dogs are like their owners, right : D ? hee hee.... At least I can't reach my own feet, or who knows ?? At least he only does it in the morning, but if it increases that would be more worrisome. We walk at least a mile every day or he would be more neurotic, I'm sure. blessings, Dawn
Comment by Elizabeth on September 21, 2010 at 11:16am
Hey there, Dawn. I can't diganose the problem, but will share that my older Cardi has started nibbling at his feet in the a.m. right after he gets up. I do know that Corgis can be prone to some obsessive compulsive behavior - biting and licking themselves being one of them. (There's an interesting article on this subject in this month's Whole Dog Journal.) My foot-biter just recently had a bout with fleas (which we took care of, thankfully, with some Frontline Plus), but I can't help but wonder if the past stress of the flea bite itchiness (especially in the a.m.) has triggered my dog's sudden foot biting. Well, anyway, I just wanted to share about the OCD possibility, and I hope you get to the root of the issue soon (if it becomes problematic).
Comment by Alyssa & Chris W. on September 20, 2010 at 2:04pm
Murphy does the same thing. I am curious about this behavior as well. Thanks for posting this. Hopefully someone will enlighten us.

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