Above is some video snippets of Gromit after a few days practice, 5 - 10 minutes twice a day in Gromit-Land. He seems to enjoy the obstacles but at 6 months of age his attention span is still pretty short. He was a bit put off by the teeter totter for a day or so but finally decided it was no big deal, especially if there was a treat to be had on the other side. He pretty much does the obstacles as expected (ragged but does them) but the weave polls will definitely take some work. Learning to do all the obstacles well and in the order commanded is the real task. My wife Debbie has taken on the task and has done great for someone with only minimal dog training experience and none with agility style equipment. We still have no plans for actual competition but our goal is for Gromit to look like a Welsh rocket zooming around our little backyard.

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Comment by Gina Mac/Fergie & Minnie on March 31, 2010 at 4:46am
Don't worry Judith, I won't tell my girls!:)LOL. And I must agree that Fergie's mom sucked us in with sweetness, where Hemi the dad stole are hearts with his obvious sense of humor. In the breeders opinion, Fergie's demeanor reminded her of a male. Fergie is pretty funny with her pouting and crazy vocals, so we will see!
Comment by Gromit, Sparkle, and Doug on March 31, 2010 at 12:29am
Hi Judith, I had the good fortune to own a brother and sister from the same litter. They were very wonderful dogs, their sire was one of the top Corgis around back then, a ROMX dog, and my two pals were as different in personality as they were alike in their looks. I was always fascinated by that.

Gromit is going to be a big guy but so far his temperament is more like his Great Aunt Tinsel than her brother, Watson. :-) We'll probably get another Corgi in a year or two when Gromit is older but whether it will be a male or a female I couldn't say. I've been owned by both and love both. :-)
Comment by Judith Andre on March 31, 2010 at 12:08am
Most male Corgis are a little bigger boned that females, but there is a reason beyond that, that our family has had 6 Corgis and only one of them female. While there are lots of female Corgis that have great personalities, we like the male personality better. From our experience, as well as some other Corgi people I know, the males tend to have "bigger", funnier, more even personalities. I'm talking in generalities here and I hope I don't start a gender war by saying this. I don't even know quite how to put it into words. I think it's more pronounced in Corgis, but it seems to be true in most breeds. I have a group of friends that I have known since we met in obedience training 30+ years ago. When we first met, we all had female dogs,. Since then, we have all switched to males (many different breeds ). I'm sitting here debating whether to post this, as I mean no disrespect to all the great Corgi girls out there, but here goes............
Comment by Gromit, Sparkle, and Doug on March 30, 2010 at 10:36pm
"For your next youtube video, I would like to put in a request for a sound track for Mr. Gromit. Perhaps a continuous loop of "It's a small world" in keeping with the theme park feel.:) "

Good choice but then I'd wind up with that tune stuck in my head for weeks. I should add a sound track though, maybe "Born To Be Wild" or something like that.
Comment by Gina Mac/Fergie & Minnie on March 30, 2010 at 6:52pm
Gromit rocks. My husband - who could also be summed up with the description "big hairy fellow" - and I would love to get a male for our next corgi. We absolutely fell in love with Fergie's dad when we picked her up. I never realized how much more powerful they look compared to females. Fergie's dads name is "Hemi" and that pretty much sums him up.

For your next youtube video, I would like to put in a request for a sound track for Mr. Gromit. Perhaps a continuous loop of "It's a small world" in keeping with the theme park feel.:)
Comment by Geri & Sidney on March 27, 2010 at 3:26am
Great job, Gromit! My dad says the weave poles are the toughest thing. Gromit looks so happy!
Comment by Gromit, Sparkle, and Doug on March 27, 2010 at 1:40am
Judith, "big hairy fellow" sums Gromit up pretty well. LOL He's not quite as big as he looks, he's just got a really thick and long coat ("glamor coat" it's called.). He is big for his age though, but not fat. I think he'll be past 30lbs when he's full grown, even in good shape.

No, we don't have an agility club close by and most agility activity slows up for the summer here in AZ. Since for various reasons we have no interest in actual competition ourselves we'll probably just noodle along here at home and make due with what little knowledge I have from ten years ago + on-line training videos.
Comment by Judith Andre on March 27, 2010 at 1:14am
Very cute. He is quite a big hairy fellow for only six months old. I would think about doing the weave poles on leash for awhile. I'm jealous because I don't have a yard to set up my own agility course. We've been going to classes since last summer....getting worse much of the time because he has so much enthusiasm and speed that he's hard to stay ahead of both mentally and physically. I assume you don't have classes in your area? You can learn an awful lot from other people's experiences.

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