So Turkey Day I am working in the kitchen, as always, and my boy Bucky is right there. He is always right there and usually asleep, just waiting for the magic food drop that has happened in his life. He knows that eventually some tidbit will jump from the counter and be snatched before I can get it. The knife slipped......sweet heavens, it just slipped. It hit him straight on top of his head! I am a retired chef and have some pretty big momba jomba knives. He never made a sound...just started looking on the floor around him for what had hit and could he eat it. By this time I am out of my mind! I have scooped him up and headed for the my husband's shop, where the counter is the right heighth for getting a look at my short legged boy. Now Bucky is just fine....did I mention that by this time I am out of my mind. It opened his noggin about 1/4 of an inch - no blood - just a clean cut, I think it hit him and popped the skin open - not stabbed him. Did I mention tha I had left the planet. My husband finally says to me "Bucky is fine but you are gonna have to set down for a moment" By late in the afternoon we could not even find the spot where it hit! The joke the rest of the day was to stay away from Suse - she has already tried to kill today! Jeez....

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Comment by Renee on December 4, 2008 at 10:52am
So glad Bucky is alive. Max has found the kitchen. My mother put a lg ham bone in my freezer and when I went to get ice it fell and missed Max by 1/4 in. He does not sit in front of the fridge anymore.
Comment by Chantel & Princess Bella on December 4, 2008 at 2:55am
Wow glad Bucky is ok. Our beagle was sitting at my feet while I was pouring a cup of coffee...and somehow some boiling water starting dripping from the kettle and it landed on his back! Wow he screamed so loud...I felt so bad. He was ok after a few seconds. Now I am so careful when Im in the kitchen, both corgi & beagle are always there at my feet...waiting. Love them :-)
Comment by Worthington Natalia on December 3, 2008 at 9:35pm
"stay away from Suse - she has already tried to kill today" - That was way too funny!
Comment by Natalie, Lance &Tucker on December 3, 2008 at 9:04pm
Glad to hear Bucky is ok!
Comment by John Wolff on December 3, 2008 at 5:59pm
Uh... boiling water? And look at all those chips in the tiles from dropping cast-iron pans... maybe a good idea to train the dogs to stay out of the kitchen?

They can stay safely in the living room and still catch any dropped food before it hits the floor.
Comment by Laura Jones on December 3, 2008 at 1:48pm
I have a fear that one of these days I will drop something on one of my fur kids. Levi and KC both like to be at my feet wherever I go in the house but ecspecailly in the kitchen. They literally lay on either side of the stove while I am cooking. I am so gald it turned out ok for Bucky.
Comment by Sam Tsang on December 3, 2008 at 1:32pm
It's a turkey day miracle!!! Lucky Bucky :) I've had my fair share of stepping on their paw when I'm in the kitchen :p
Comment by Geri & Sidney on December 3, 2008 at 1:22pm
Oh wow Suse! That's an amazing story. I'm SO glad Bucky is OK! SId has a hard head too; corgi vs moving car. The car won but SId was mostly OK. I was out of my mind too!

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