I don't know what to do, I can't get Corky to stop biting me and everything he can get into his little mouth. He bit his dad so hard last night it drew blood!!
Once he starts biting, which it seems thats all he wants to do, I just stop playing with him. I can tell it makes him frustrated but I don't know what else to do. He has tons of toys he could chew on, he doesn't need to use me as a chew toy.
I don't know what to do anymore, I need some advice = )

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Comment by Marion and Vern on March 27, 2009 at 4:58pm
Not real sure on this (had better get it down though, for myself not you) has been 13 years since we have had a puppy but could teething be part of the problem here? We saw some bones at a pet store that you put in the freezer and give them to chew on when they are teething. Maybe try an ice cube see if this helps any at all. Other wise the yipping and stopping does work with some pups. Good Luck
Comment by Susan Stanton on March 27, 2009 at 4:52pm
This is a very common problem and if you search in the forum, you'll find tons of discussions and good advice, like this one. It's basically what puppies do, they chew and bit. The two things that really helped me were taking my pups to puppy kindergarten (not obedience, but puppy class--you don't usually need to be fully vaccinated for a puppy kindergarten), where they socialized and wrestled and learned to soften up the biting so it doesn't hurt. The other thing was acting the way a puppy does -- when he bites too hard, yip loudly like a hurt puppy and withdraw from playing. He'll get the message -- but for the first few months I had Bertie, until we went to school and I learned about the "yipping and stopping" trick, believe me, my hands were covered in scratches from those sharp puppy teeth.

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