I remember now why we don't go to the dog park anymore.

We went on a whim and mainly cause Freya needs to be socialized with other dogs. We haven't been there since last fall and stopped cause we had problems with an un-neutered Siberian Husky there. Cloud and that dog kept having issues the entire time and thankfully the owner wasn't totally on his butt the entire time. Actually, I went there once with just Cloud and dropped the boyfriend at work, and the guy was really helpful. Of course, it was obvious that I can barely contain a very excited Cloud even on a choke chain to save my life. So the guy made sure to watch his dog. The other huskies that belong to him were completely fine and so was everyone else.

Anyway, Cloud got into a couple of scuffles back then but none that resulted in what happened yesterday.

It was a husky/pit mix. That dog wasn't altered either. They started off ok but Cloud was kept on his leash as he didn't seem to enjoy the swarm of dogs that came at him when we entered the park. Freya was in submission position almost immediately.

I eventually let Freya off leash and watched her like a hawk. Where ever she went, I followed to make sure she didn't get into any trouble. A few times she freaked out and hid between my feet. Cloud was also released.

The husky/pit mix decided to meet up with Cloud again. Then they were both growling, the husky/pit mix's hackles were up and they tried to get in a fight. My boyfriend immediately got on top of Cloud to control him as best he can. Then that stupid dog tried to bite Cloud and I yelled at it as I tried to kick it's side "Hey get the F away from my dog!" I scared the h/p away and guess where the owner was? On the other side of the park sitting on her fat butt with her other fat dog. She didn't come and help at all. And honestly, I didn't give a frak if I injured her dog because her dog punctured Cloud's thigh twice!

Grr, I was so mad. She didn't try anything until the dog tried to do it again to Cloud. And it appeared that she had leashed that stupid mutt but she didn't and eventually released it again when it really didn't need to be. Cloud was not the instigator at all.

I think we will stick with hiking here on out.

After, I tried to give Freya a bath. It's been a while since I last bathed her and neglected the idea that since she could jump up on the couch, that she could jump out of the tub! She hopped out the second I dropped her in and I put her back in the tub and turned around and found her out. So I had to hold her in the water with one hand for a few minutes before she gave into me.

She made such a strange groaning noise. At first I thought she was growling but her body stance wasn't right. She took it pretty well by that point at least. She did pretty good and jumped when I told her it was ok and she shook off then I rubbed her dry. I should've used the blow dryer but it didn't click at the time. Then I clipped her nails and holy crap! She did soooo good with that. It didn't take forever at all, grant it I had her in my arms while I did it. Then let her go and watched her frap and roll all over the place.

I never thought that little corgi girl would have that much dirt in her coat though!

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Comment by Wendt Worth Corgi's on March 23, 2009 at 11:43pm
You've had an eventful day. Maybe the next time you go to the park, take an umbrella w/you..as that dog approaches fling that umbrella open, it will startle him to where he may stay away from you. Also you can purchase these ultrasonic noise control things that might get him to stay back as well. Another thing is your body stance. You maybe able to keep that dog from approaching as well. Feet at a stance, shoulders square and very firmly yell gooooo..get out of here. Then there is also mace or lemon juice to squirt in his eyes but becareful you don't get it or your dog and the wind is in the right direction to not have it blown into your face.

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