I've been lurking mycorgi.com for like a year before deciding to officially bring our own pup home. It was a joint decision between my girlfriend & I. We decided long ago that the Corgi was perfect for us. It's our first dog and it's been completely amazing. 


This is Cowboy. She's a little Pem tricolor girl, a little over four months at this point. She hasn't met a soul she doesn't love...dog, cat, or human. Both our families spoil her like a grandchild. :P

She also is on Instagram @cowboythecorgi! I obsessively stalk other corgigrams, so if anyone has one please give me the heads up!

And baby pictures... cause she's cute. |:

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Comment by Meaghan & Cowboy on December 18, 2012 at 10:14pm

Manda - We actually grabbed CB from New Braunsfels, though I would have much preferred Houston. I couldn't find a breeder here, though! Must have missed one. )':

Laury & Tommy - She got us from Texas to Florida and back like a pro!

Nicole, Wallace, & Maple - Yup! Was a flea market steal at $5! ♥

Comment by manda & molly on December 18, 2012 at 11:32am
So cute :) I was looking at your instagram, it seems Molly and Cowboy were born on the same day both in Houston.
Comment by Laura and Tommy Jefferson on December 17, 2012 at 9:10pm

wow, Cowboy is adorable!!! and seemingly a good driver to boot! :)

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