Hello, mae mae seems to have some jealous issues that i have not been able to get rid of. I need some advice. It seems that when my grandfather's dog, Bogey (a mix), tries to get attention from someone, Mae barks at him and bites him. Sometimes she attacks him. Now, keep in mind that Bogey does not use any verbal form. He does not yelp, or scream, so i do not know if this seems to not let mae know she is hurting him. Anyways, i was wondering if someone has come across this issue or have advice. I would love for Mae to attend a Corgi meetup in Orlando, however i am afraid and embarrassed on this issue. Can you please help me? I posted this on the Central Florida Corgi meetup page, however...no one has answered. I am hoping this site with all these awesome Corgi owners and lovers can help a fellow Corgi owner.

Thank you so much,

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Comment by Virginia on January 18, 2009 at 11:34pm
She is 2 years old, i live with my grandfather so Mae is always with the other dog. She has been taught lessons and such. It seems she is ok with me or my boyfriend around, however i have seen or heard that my grandmother does not teach her the right things when i go to work or school. I have told her how to do the way i want Mae to be punished or learn. I think my grandmother does not listen an when im gone, Mae learns bad behavior.
Comment by Sam on January 18, 2009 at 11:45am
Not sure if this occurs when you visit with your grandfather, when he visits with you or if you live together. This is inappropriate behavior and certainly will get far worse if you do not intervene. I do not know how old your dog is or if you have done any training with her. I would suggest training classes asap. I may also suggest that you keep her on lead and tied to you when you visit. She probably has no clue about a solid sit/down stay at this point. Being attached to you will give you the ability to keep her close at all times. This will also allow you to reinforce the fact that this behavior will not be tolerated. When others give attentions to your grandfathers dog call your dog to you, have her sit then pet her and praise. Good luck.
Comment by Sam Tsang on January 18, 2009 at 9:51am
Hi Virginia, may be you can tell us a little more about the background, like how old, how they were introduced, living arrangements...etc.
Comment by Wendt Worth Corgi's on January 17, 2009 at 11:47pm
OUCH!!! I wouldn't smack her on the nose for this will make her shy of your hand and your hand is for encouragement and trust not to mention it is very sensitive and if in the right setting could get your hand nipped at if the adrenaline is pumping thru her veins. I've only dealt w/an aggressive issue once but because I was aware of it I kept one step ahead of him and always made him contain himself to prevent it from happening. I am not an expert by no means in this area and a behaviorist would be highly suggested. I wish I could be more of help to you but sometimes suggestions can be the wrong ones in certain situations and the right ones in others and there needs to be more evaluated as a whole. Definitely look at the link I provided above.
Comment by Virginia on January 17, 2009 at 9:09pm
When she does this i pull her off, smack her on the nose(i hear this is good because its sensitive and it gets the point across) and make her stay inside a small room for a while and then let her out. She pouts, but i do not give in.
Comment by Wendt Worth Corgi's on January 17, 2009 at 8:37pm
When she acts this way how do you handle it? Or do you ignore it? This is not exceptable and can not be ignore. Make her sit and behave and she is not allowed to get up or to interfere. Once she stays where shes at then she may get some attention but if she shows negativity again back to sitting and staying. Try this site.

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