Max is currently at the Vet, "having his Man-hood taken away" which is bad for him already.

Yesterday evening his left eye started blinking a lot. 30 minutes later it was closing. An hour later it started to swell underneath and was closing more. It looked as if he was punched. We ended up taking him that evening to the Animal Hospital. The vet there had to sedate him so she could look at his eye. She said sometimes they can get small objects caught underneath the eyelid. She saw a small scratch on his eye, but we could not figure what scratched him. We got some medicine and went home. He was walking "drunk" when we got home and just laid down the entire night. We took him to be neutered this morning. Turns out one of his testicles hadn't dropped so they ended up having to put another incision thru his abdomen to find it, which the vet told me can be painful for the dog, similar to be spayed. We will get to pick him up in the morning and his recovery should take 1-2 weeks. POOR MAX!

Ohh yeah and he got into a small scuffle with a cat in the backyard on Monday. lol ughhh

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Comment by Max & Cody on April 24, 2009 at 9:03am
I'm not sure if the cat was the cause because that incident was 3-4 days before his eye started closing. I would of thought there might have been a some sign soon after but it happend days later and seemed to start around 6pm and then by 7:30 it was almost completely it happened fairly quickly. We get to pick him up this morning so we will see how he does. Thanks for the comments everyone!
Comment by Alice on April 23, 2009 at 7:55pm
Was it the cat that caused the scratch on Max's eye? Poor guy. Finnigan had that same neuter procedure the day before yesterday but we new he had a retained testicle before taking him to the vet. Finn is doing great. They give pain pills which help, the problem is getting them to take the pills. Good luck! :)
Comment by Susan Stanton on April 23, 2009 at 7:51pm
ohhhhhhhhhhh poor baby. We send him many puppy hugs!
Comment by Corgibyassociation on April 23, 2009 at 7:37pm
Aaaw, poor boy! I say he deserves a special treat after all that.
Comment by Angela on April 23, 2009 at 7:21pm
Oh boy little buddy, you heal up soon!
Comment by Parker on April 23, 2009 at 6:54pm
Poor guy! That IS a bad week! Hope he gets better soon!
Comment by Eruc on April 23, 2009 at 6:02pm
Poor Max, Hope he feels better soon.

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