momo's afraid of the sounds of raining and thunderstorms

Momo woke me up today 5am in the morning because he was terrified of the sound of loud raindrops and thunderstorms that came fluttering about all the sudden. He was barking, whining turning around in circles when I tried to calm him down .He's never been exposed to loud sounds of raindrops or thunderstorms with the 4 months he's been with me, so I ended up opening the doors to let him see the rain and sit by him and to let him know that he was not in 'danger'. After 30 minutes he calmed down a lot and went back to sleep.

gosh I thought that this would only happen to dogs like "Marley".. what a morning it's been ;)

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Comment by Wendt Worth Corgi's on March 24, 2009 at 2:50pm
Awww...poor little man.
Comment by DR, Nala & Simon on March 24, 2009 at 11:34am
Nala barks for a couple of minutes only. Then she mostly ignores it, except on a loud one that she perks her ears. I think what you did was good. When I adopted Cosmo, she was already 7 years, and she is seriously terrified of thunderstorms. She used to hide under the bed, panting, shaking and with her eyes wide open. I used to let her there, talking normally, and doing my own thing. Eventually, I made a hiding place in the closet, with a pillow and some old covers. Right now, thats her favorite nap area. And during thunderstorms she goes and hides there. But, the shaking is less, and the panting is no more. Eventually, she falls asleep. Untill Nala comes around "play with me... play, play, plaaaaay!". I think Momo will get used to it. Just keep acting normal, and he will sense your "calmness".
Comment by Sam on March 24, 2009 at 9:49am
I'm not sure if Ein has seen a good thunderstorm yet or not but he does get scared of some odd sounds. For some reason the sound of ice moving on the car windshield terrified him.
Comment by Abbea and Vivi on March 24, 2009 at 8:56am
A lot of dogs are frightened by thunder and loud rain especially if it's the first time they've experienced it. I've heard not to fuss over them at all when they're afraid because they see that as weakness in you and will end up trying to lead the pack. I think the best thing that can be done is to act like nothing is wrong, stay positive and happy, and they'll understand eventually that if the pack leader isn't scared or worried, then they shouldn't be either.

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