My 2 and a half year old male eats everything he shouldnt. I cant have balls to play with because he chews them open and start to eat it peice by peice. He chews up all his stuffed toys, eats and swallows the stuffing and then the squeeky toy inside. I dont know what to do with him. In the yard he eats branches off my trees that fall to the ground. He eats alot of grass, and sometimes he vomits. I just dont know what to do. Any suggestions?

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Comment by Roger/Laurie on June 6, 2010 at 12:18am
Our boys were the same way. We finally decided the more expensive the toy, it just took them a few extra minutes (probably to make us feel better about the expense). We finally found Nylabones. Our dogs chew on them all the time and they last forever. We also have some orange balls that so far they haven't chewed up. They are about the size of a tennis ball very hard rubber, expensive $6.00 each, I think. Maybe if he could chew on something he couldn't tear apart he might leave the grass and sticks alone.

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