Hey All!
Tomorrow is Crooker's first haircut appt and I was wondering how other corgis have reacted to being groomed. Crooker despises bath time lol but usually he gives in and just sits there. However as for the style of haircut, how have you told the groomer to cut your corgi's coat? I don't think I want them to completely shave him (I think he'd look weird) so maybe just a trim?? Right now he is shedding up a storm (more so than usual) so I think a trim will do him some justice. Let me know your tips && ideas! Thanks (;

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Comment by Susan Stanton on March 27, 2009 at 4:43pm
I also don't recommend any kind of shaving (just a little bunny butt trim to prevent what I call "poopy butt"). I take my guys to a groomer to get a really good bath maybe twice a year. The groomer does a great job after the bath of brushing them out so thoroughly that all those huge tufts of hair are gone, their coats are smooth and sleek, and it's easier for me to keep up with the "blowing coat" with my furminator. Bertie has one almost hairless spot, above his nose, where the pink skin is exposed. He's had sun burn and a staph infection there! Now I slather a little sunblock on regularly. Their coats definitely serve a purpose in both summer and winter. I vote for only bathing/brushing, slight trim of butt and maybe toes, and that's all.
Comment by Bonny on March 27, 2009 at 4:03pm
I would only have the groomer bathe and brush...no trimming. Corgis don't have continuously growing coats like other dogs, so cutting it doesn't make a lot of sense to me. I agree with everyone above, trimming won't help with shedding, and I can't imagine any cut looking as good at the natural growth of their coats.
Comment by Lisa on March 27, 2009 at 3:54pm
I don't think its a good idea to trim a corgis coat. I used to have chow chows and I had one of them shaved once and only once. It was a terrible mistake. He was miserable and got sunburned and bitten by ants. My inlaws always had their chows shaved in the summer so we took their advice. I would never ever shave any of my dogs again unless the vet advised it for some medical reason. My vet told me that a dogs coat insulates them from the cold in the winter and the heat in the summer. It justs takes more furminating certain times of the year.
Comment by Ein Danger on March 27, 2009 at 3:46pm
i wouldn't shave them because i think they'd look a little weird. ein goes to the groomers on a regular basis (once a month or so) and he loves it. we haven't cut his hair yet and don't plan on doing so since you're really not supposed to. he did have the hair in between his toes trimmed last time. now his feet are all cute and smooth :) i just suggest brushing him regularly and bathing him no more than once a month. that way his coat remains soft and smooth :)
Comment by Alex on March 27, 2009 at 3:23pm
I have shaved & trimmed Dee Dee's hair before. There were times her hair didn't grow back correctly (especially the part I put flea medicine), but most of the times, it does. I have heard both arguments on not shaving & shaving, but either way, my Dee Dee is healthy... so far (knock, knock, knock). Same as JW, we don't shave her down all the way, just short though. :)
Comment by JW on March 27, 2009 at 1:34pm
Griff's groomer, who used to own and show corgis, told me that they will never completely shave a double coat because "it never grows back the same". My Griff is a fluffy, so he's much more high maintenance than a normal coat when it comes to the groomer! I shaved Griff myself last summer, but not all the way to the skin, I just left it short enough for him to be cool. It DID grow back kind of funny, like now some of his coat has little cowlicks in random places!

I usually ask them to trim him up, which means they trim down all of his wily "butt fur" (hehe, "skirt fur" on girls), and give him an all-over trim. They should also get a good amount of fur off of Crooker, especially if he's shedding heavily right now. With a short coat he probably doesn't need any shaving, just a nice bath and a really good raking for his undercoat! Good luck!
Comment by Kristen on March 27, 2009 at 1:26pm
I don't suggest cutting or trimming your Corgi's coat. Their coat is the perfect insulation against both heat and cold and by cutting the hair you distrub this natural process. Shaving exposes their sensitive skin to irritants and increases the likelyhood of a sunburn. The trim only shortens and eliminates the guard hairs it won't help with the shedding...although the bath and brushing he will get at the groomers will. One of my Corgis is blowing her coat righ now. Lots and lots of hair. It helps to give her a bath and then when she is completely dry uses the furminator. The bath losens up and facilitates shedding the old hairs. I know people that shave their Corgs, but I personally think it is a bad idea.

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