Dear Readers

I just saw the following badge . . . It reminds me of the lines from The Treasure of the Sierra Madre : "Badges? We don't got no stinking badges. We don't need no stinking badges! We don't want no stinking badges!"

What celebrity would your pet be? I'm George Clooney! Find out at

Well, Mom went to that site . . . where I and all my cats also have pages . . . and took that test to see what hooman celebrity I would be if, shudder at the thought, I were a hooman.

Can you believe it???? Like I, the fantastic Skeezman, want to be told I resemble a hooman celebrity? I think not. My tail is in a twist--I am a cardigan after all who has a magnificent tail for twisting--the (%*#)*(* test said I would be the hooman George Clooney. Even though he won People Magazines (pleeeeeeeeeeeeze . . . what about Dog Fancy???) sexiest man alive TWICE . . . just ask the gals who hang around the kibble bowl how many times I'VE been voted the sexiest cardi in the entire world, living OR dead.

So THERE, Georgie boy.

George should be so lucky as to be said to resemble ME . . . not the other way around. And I have the papers to prove how cool I am. The first ones were on the floor at Mom's house when I was a baby. But the ones I am referring to are my pedigree AND my Championship shingles from the AKC.

Really. Oceans 11, 12 and 13??? I should be a fish or something? HA!

An Oscar for best supporting actor in Syriana? What is that, a new breakfast cereal????

Best director and Best Original Screen Play nominations for "Good Night, and Good Luck" . . . Like I would say that to another canine? Is that what any hooman should say to their dog???? What is this, a new version of a putting-to- sleep goodbye at the vet's?? Good grief!

OK, I did like the movie's main character, one of my favorite announcers, Edward R. Murrow . . . up there with . . . Walter Crankcase . . .

And I also want to include relative newbies to the reporting scene:

Stephen Colbert, now with a space station room named after him--how about a fire hydrant? Something sensible like that?

John Stewart, who, because he's so cool, just has to own at least ten corgis if not more (equal numbers of cardis and pems to be fair)

Rachael Maddow who, in another life, WAS a corgi . . . cardi? pem? You be the judge.

Ok, now back to George . . . If there were any movie role of his that I could tolerate having associated with me, the Incredible Skeezix, it would have to be Ulysses Everett McGill in "O, Brother, Where Art Thou?"

By the way, as a public service announcement for all you show corgis, I think that the hoomans on the dog show circuit currently use the very same hair pomade as the one that George used in O, Brother Where Art Thou?: Dapper Dan. Of course, show corgis don't go in for that stuff . . . Dandie Dinmonts, of course, use it . . . the name similarities are remarkable. Dandie Dinmont:Dapper Dan? I rest my case.

Just in case you doubt my opinion the following public domain site proves I'm right. Notice especially Mr. Dinmont's foofy hairdo. [this is a public domain image . . . Skeezix is a respector of the law . . . except as regards fire hydrants.]

Oh! Pardon me for a sec. Yep. I thought I heard the kibble can opening. I did! I did!!! Gotta run . . . even though I'm the only corgi in the house, another one might drop by at any moment and Hoover up my dinner.

As the Italian Greyhounds would say in this situation:



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