It was looking bleak. The oppressors had been gone for what felt like weeks. My water bowl was dangerously close to the half way point, and I was beginning to feel myself waste away. Dante seemed to have succumbed to insanity as well. He was acting as though the people had been gone for mere minutes. I feared they had forgotten us.
Just as I was feeling my end was near, I heard a familiar sound rumble in the distance! It was them! Oh they hadn't forgotten us after all! I felt excitement towards the people welling up inside of me, but quickly extinguished the feeling. How DARE they make me go through such torture!!
They left their vehicle and ran straight towards us with hugs and apologies, and a mere handful of treats. They said they were only gone 3 hours, but I knew this was a lie meant to regain my trust. That night, I slept on the bed, despite the mans protests. I need to keep a close eye on them, after all.
Today has been only mildly better. The simpleton and I were given beef stew atop our breakfast-no doubt an attempt to fatten us back up after our harrowing ordeal. I've been barking and chasing the cat all day to punish the people for my recent exile.
The plastic box from the back porch has made an appearance in the house. I could never quite figure out its purpose while it was outside, and the box's relocation indoors does have me intrigued. Every so often, the woman people throws a piece of cheese or trachea inside for us to retrieve. I sense something sinister going on here, but I can't quite put my paw on it. I wonder if this has anything to do with the impending canine imprisonment? I'm not sure, however, since the peoples toddler keeps climbing inside. (Dante thinks I am just paranoid.) I must study this contraption further...
whew, glad you survived, Pippa!
These are fun posts to read! Keep us updated, Pippa!
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