I have an 8 year old Pembroke Corgi with fluid abounds his lungs due possibly to a tumor near his kidney. Has anyone ever experienced this and if so what treatments did you allow them to perform?

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Comment by Michele Kilbourne on February 8, 2013 at 12:36pm
Hi...I have the corgi that Emily and Scout talked about ans sent the link to CorgiPals about my Sydney's story. She too has Chylothorax. She now has a permanent "pleural port" that I can pull fluid out from around her lungs. This all started in September last year...if you read her story it will help. This all depends on how far you emotionally and finaciallt want to go..also how well your corgi is doing. I have chose so far to do everything possible, she is a fighter, wants to live. It helps that I am a nurse too. I think you need to decide this first. If you chose to go further then get the CT scan and see what they see. In Colorado at Colorado State University Vet Teaching Hospital they have done lots of those surgeries for the lymphatic duct and put in pleural ports. My Sydney's did not involve cancer...it was a complication from a pacemaker. I disagree with Sam..the pericardectomy does not increase success, has more complications. Dr Orton at CSU pioneered the procedure and has since stopped the pericardectomy. The TDL if warrented with a pleral port is the way to go...but if cancer complicates the picture things are different. Please feel free to look me up on Facebook...Michele Kilbourne....I have a lot of information. And look up Dr Orton and CSU VTH. My Sydney even had heart surgery because of the pacemaker complication. I have put MANY thousands of dollars in to her life...I was fortunate to be able to and received a great deal of help from CorgiPals and the corgi people on Facebook. Take care and please contact.
Comment by Leila lugo on February 6, 2013 at 8:45pm
Thank you everyone for the comments, I will follow up with both links. Thanks again!
Comment by Sam Tsang on February 6, 2013 at 8:01pm

Hi Leila,

my late corgi - Mocha, had stage 4 lymphoma, meaning it was already spread to his kidneys. During his last month, he had fluid in his lungs, voice become hoarse, he was not able to inflate his lungs, meaning he died of drowning in the end.

The purpose of a CT scan is to determine other underlying disease. So that they can treat / stop / slow down the accumulation of fluid.

Unfortunately I don't have pleasant news for you. Your surgical options are:  TDL with a success rate at (40-60%).  OR  TDL + pericardectomy at (80-100%). Complications of TDL + pericardectomy includes: hemorrhage, infection and damage to the nerves that control the diaphragm. 

UW is doing a clinical trial, you may want to contact them for more info.

Comment by Emily & Scout on February 6, 2013 at 7:37pm

I know someone whose corgi also had fluid around her lungs and is doing good after a complicated procedure.  I gave her the link to this chat.  Here is her story.  Go almost to the bottom of the page where it says "Sydney's Story" http://corgipals.org/Fundraisers/HelpingPaws/Sydney.aspx

Comment by Leila lugo on February 6, 2013 at 4:09pm
Yes they did the tap which they called the fluid chlylothroax and have multiple x-rays. They found an unusual mass near his kideny. Now they want to do a ct scan but I doubt that will help them to determine what the mass is. I don't know which direction to take but some reach shows that this is uncommon. Do you have any experience with this?
Comment by Sam Tsang on February 6, 2013 at 3:42pm

Hi Leila, so sorry to hear that. Could you tell us what was the vet's diagnose? Did they do a tap and send the fluid off for tests? X-rays? It's hard to give feedback without the full picture.

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