This is proving to be a lot tougher than I thought. He was doing awesome with his pads, and then started going near the door. I figured this meant he was ready for outside- I take him out there a lot. He has only peed outside once, and hasn't gone again since. He'd much rather play with the grass. Now he's back to not even using his pads much. I can't keep him outside until he goes due to the fact that it's 20 degrees out and he's only just 9 weeks. Help!?

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Comment by Alanah on January 20, 2014 at 12:10pm

I also feed him in his crate, too!

Comment by Alanah on January 20, 2014 at 12:08pm

The vet told me not to stay out with him for more than 10 minutes. So, that's what I've been doing. I am crate training him, but he's pretty stubborn. He still hates his crate. I don't let him out when he cries, but boy, does he continue to cry. I do bring him out after he eats and wakes up from naps, but he refuses to go outside. This is my first puppy and I am trying my hardest. I just feel like nothing is working! I can't make his crate appealing for him right now because he chews everything. So all I have in there is his water, a washcloth for him to lay on, and a few toys. Any suggestions on that as well? I really appreciate the help!

Comment by Anna Morelli on January 20, 2014 at 11:45am

Vanessa is right. What you need to understand is that YOU are working on creating a preference on the part  of the pup regarding where he goes potty and then, by continuing to supply the proper opportunities, to create a habit.  Paper training and pads may be a necessary evil is someone is not home to take the pup outdoors, but work against you.  A 9 wk.old pup should be taken out after every nap, every meal, every short play session, and can usually hold it 1/2 way through the night.  The cold will bother you more than the pup, chin up!!!

Comment by Vanessa on January 20, 2014 at 11:29am
Having just potty trained 2 puppies in 2 years I remember those days well. The first thing I want to ask is, are you crate training? The crate makes it a lot easier. I also learned to not use the paper or pee pads. I get its cold outside, believe me. It's 18 degrees in Buffalo today. Basically what you need is to catch the puppy when they need to go, like after a meal, when they first wake up, and so on. You go out with the puppy for 5-10 minutes, let him sniff around and if he doesn't do his business (you can say Do your Business) then go back in but don't let him just wander- you know he has to go. Keep him with you or in his crate (if you're using one). They really like their crates and won't potty there. So 10 minutes later bundle up again & go outside again. Tell him to do his business, and when he does, praise him to the skies. It seems like this stage goes on forever but he'll be trained in a flash. Just have patience and a bottle of Nature's Miracle on hand!

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