Oh puppy training.

Today I attempted leash training. Definately harder in the snow. Chloe definately resisted! I think tomorrow I am going to try training with food. I feel bad for poor Cooper going at puppy speed during activities! :)

Chloe is still so little, but she is just a fire ball--so fiesty. Kevin nick named her "Little Kujo" and I call her "Sarah" from " The Land Before Time". She is so funny, not afraid of anything!

I don't think Cooper knows what to do with her, she's too little for him to fight back, but he's not a big fan of her jumping on him and using him as a teether! hehe.

Oh the joy of siblings.....

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Comment by Alice on December 23, 2008 at 11:23am
Oh leash training... I'm in the same boat right now. It's quite a task. :)

When we take Finn to visit his half brother at my Mom's house it's pure chaos. His half brother Quinn is a year and a half old and much bigger than Finn but Finn doesn't seem to notice. He just wants to climb all over Quinn, bite his lips and steel his toys. Once in a while Quinn will play too rough and Finn will get knocked over and trampled. That's what happens when you want to play with the big dogs. :)
Comment by Corgi lover! (Misty) on December 22, 2008 at 12:54pm
Awww too cute!! Chesney and Oreo are the same way! Chesney definitely doesn't realize how small she is...lol. After you made that comment on my blog about Cera on Land Before Time I was looking at Chesney and it definitely fits her as well...lol. Have fun!

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