Sidney's FHO journey; New Year's Day Hike


Well, it has been just under four months since Sidney underwent FHO surgery for his hip dysplasia.

It has been a tradition for me to take Sidney and whichever kids I could drag out of bed on a New Year's Day hike on one of our local trails. I was sure that Sidney would not be able to join us this year due to his surgery. But he has been healing so well and moving with ease, so I decided to bring him along, with the intention of turning back early if he showed signs of problems. We invited Sidney's friend Theo and his owners to join us. Sidney always seems to have more energy when Theo is around!


This hike is a 3.8 mile out and back with some elevation change, and a nice waterfall and a creek to cross. Due to recent rains there were extra water crossings and lots of greenery. The day was gorgeous and there were lots of friendly people taking advantage of the day.





There's the waterfall and the beautiful blue sky.


Sidney did such a great job! He stopped a couple of times to rest, but nothing that's not normal for the typical doggie. I thought he may be too stiff to move much later this evening, but he was herding the cats as usual and attempting corgi mind control at dinner. I was so proud of my little champ.


A happy, tired muddy corgi ready for the car ride home. What a great day!

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Comment by Karen & Bailey on February 21, 2011 at 11:08am
hahaha corgi mind control. so true ;) glad to hear hes doing all better now!
Comment by Geri & Sidney on January 27, 2011 at 2:17pm

HI Karen,

Sidney hovers between 27-29 pounds. The santa photo could be fur, or could be the angle. When he's standing up you can see the dip in where his waist is. Not very pronounced, but it's there. :)

Comment by Karen Lund on January 27, 2011 at 2:07pm
He looks great.. so glad he is up and running again!!  How much does he weigh?? That Christmas pic with Santa he looks really heavy.. or is that lots of fur??  Just wondering!!  Thx for sharing the pics of the hike, beautiful!
Comment by Carole and Sophie on January 4, 2011 at 5:39pm
Sidney we are so thrilled to hear how well you are doing!  Your recovery from your surgery has been a success - congratulations especially to you Geri for all of your hard work in nursing him back to health!
Comment by Heather and Ella on January 2, 2011 at 11:20pm
Awesome Sidney!!! Keep up the good work.  You look super happy after your hike.
Comment by Geri & Sidney on January 2, 2011 at 6:37pm

Thank you everyone! I am so relieved that Sid can still do what he loves. He's my buddy and hiking is not the same without him.

Elizabeth, the scenery was helped a lot by the rains we've been having (the showers came back today...ugh). When it's dry the view isn't quite as nice :)

Comment by Elizabeth on January 2, 2011 at 5:28pm
Yay!  Beautiful scenery, too.
Comment by Gail L on January 2, 2011 at 3:51pm
Wow, good for good to hear about his continued improvement!!
Comment by John Wolff on January 2, 2011 at 3:03pm
Oh, I am so happy to hear this.  Sid is such a gorgeous dog and I can tell how much you love him.  So we all want him to be healthy.  Good job.  Good luck.
Comment by Susan Stanton on January 2, 2011 at 1:57pm
Yay!  Go Sidney!!  May 2011 continue in this happy happy way!!!

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