Skeezix Wants to Know: What Kinda Dog My Momma Iz?

You'll prob'bly remember that I talked about me an George Clooney in a pwevious posting, in which I analyzed how on earth a quiz could match the perfect 10 ME with a hooman who only has an Oscar to boast of. Now, Momma haz gone an dones it again, but this time it's for her an not me . . . thank goodness.

Next thing you know, she'll be putting sparkly collars on me . . .. runnnnnn awwwwaaaaaaayyyyyy. Faaaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssssssst. No sparkles for me.

As I said, this time Momma did a quizzlet for herselfs to see what kinda dog SHE would be. I wishes she were a dog already, but then who would go to the stores an buy the foods, kookeez, toys, and so on???

Momma taked the test thingie, and I have had her help me paste it into this blawg, which, if you asks me, sounds like the sound I make when I have eaten what Momma calls, "something unspeakable." Sometimes I makes that blawggging sound whens I have sampled real paste . . . So, I asks you, will pasting something in my blawg spot make me URP, I wonders. Not yet it hazn't anyway
What dog breed are you? I'm a Golden Retriever! Find out at
The test thingie, as you can see, called Momma a golden retreeever.

I need to ponder on that for a few ponders.

I can sees the golden thing since Momma sez that she herownself was a golden when she was a puppy. Now she sayz she looks more like a blue merle what wif all that greys up there around her earz. I personally likes her grays; it makes her bes more wise looking. So golden is an ok thingie in my opinion.

But the retreever part haz me somewhat confuzzled. I knows what a "tree" iz . . . I have named all of them in my domain wif my own personal doggy scent, as is appropriate for a dog such az me to do. I also secretly scribble my name all over those other trees outside my domain just to make the canines who hang out there unnerstands that I'm just letting them have those treez cuz I'm a guy who can share . . . except around my domain, that is. Not sure exaktly what a domain iz, but Momma sayz I have one. I hopes that's a good thing.

So I haves the 'tree' part unnerstood. First, I knows what iz a thing Momma, the English Professor, sayz iz a prefix --annother word to ponder in a future blawwwg post . . . dontcha just love human English gwammar???? I do. Here, if I remembers rightly, the teeny letters R an E are this retreever word's pwefix.

RE in DOG LATIN--fooey on that IgPay AttinLay language--meanz 'again', az when I asks Momma to REpeat the filling of my supper dish 10 minutes after I already ates.

So, to my way of thinking, ree-treever means exaktly what it sounds like: someone who does trees again!!!!

See, grammar iz simple--but not my Grammar Amy Rae, who'z my corgi mom Izzee'z momma, if you can follow all that dog pedigree hair flying around. My Grammar Amy Rae is smartz, not simple by any stretch of imagingsation.

So Am I not smart? Of course, I iz.

For that reason, it is obvious. Any dog would understand my interpretation: To ree-treev is to go back to the treeez you has already noted are yourz wif the calling card you had left on them. That iz, when you whizzed on the tree's trunk to let it an all the dogz coming by that it iz your twee. So, I ree-trreeev around my domain maybe once a day, just to make sure dat my card has not gots disappeared . . . or overwritten, if you speaks computereze.

I haz never seen Momma retreev around here, an I doubts that I will ever sees dat. Momma eksplaned to me how she marks her territory (I likes my way better):

1. She putted up her mailbox wif her address on it (then I retreeevvved it just ti make sure).
2. She parks her car an truck here. I retreeevvved dem too, just for safteez sake
3 Most importantly, she sayz, iz that she pays her pawperty taxes each year.Doze I can'ts retreeeve as they is in the mailbox before I knows it.

Dear Reader, I have pondered this tackez thing in several posts alweddy. I am not understanding why Momma pays anyfing for a bunch a stupid nails . . . an now there's a paw involved. I hopes that these pawperty nailz are not anywheres around where my feets are or will be (see my pwevious blog post on Feets). Maybe she uses those tacks to take care of her budget . . . cuz she sayz each month, "There, Skeez, we've got our budget nailed down to includes our pawperty tackses for dis month." If that's the kase, then that'z ok. Just so long az my pawz are safe, which they seems to be so far.

All in all, Dear Reader, I knows my Momma iz my momma. An I don'ts cares what breed she is. The closest I can come to pinning a bweed label on her based on her pawdigree iz an Irish Valhund. Yes, I mades that breed up--but it's based on the map thingie of where her sires and dams for generations was comed from. I don't know. Iz there an AKC registry for humans? If someone kans shed some lights on that, I'd be gwateful. Of course, corgis do the best shedding of anything on anything . . . so surely this webplace iz the best place to gets the answers I needs.

Until next time, Dear Reader,

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